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RE: Creating The World We Long For!

Nobody discusses it much, but you could place ads on your posts as an affiliate, offer to do sponsored ads through Fiverr or to business leads you gather, even do sponsored posts maybe. I don't know how effective ads would be at this point, though. You'd probably need to generate more post views than the average Steemian for it to be worth it.

Resteeming this article to 13,000+ followers.


Agreed. People can do sponsor posts. It is something people do. Like YouTube for example. I'm Doctor Oatmeal.

I think the best way to do it, and I think I read this in one of Stellabelle's posts, is too just have fun and blog. I think that strategy might work because that way you are probably more likely to stick at it for a while, which is an important factor in making money as far as I know. Also, your audience are more likely to enjoy your posts and look out for more, or follow you, because they can identify with you.

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