Some Thoughts About the New Promoted Posts Feature

in #promoted8 years ago


I have expressed my concerns about the usability of the new feature for Promotion of Posts on Steemit, you can find them in my comments in the introduction post of the feature. Never the less, even if I did not like the idea too much I still was eager to try it out and see if it actually works in helping new users to promote their good posts and thus make them seen more...

I have started with a few Steem Dollars to check out the feature, apparently lost 2 SBD for a post that was past its first payout period before actually learning that there is a bug thanks to @jesta posting about it and promoting his post on the top of the list. With 1 SBD for a promoted post or even less you guarantee that your post will be essentially buried in the below top 100-200 promoted posts or somewhere down there, so it will not make much point in spending just a little.

To make use of Promoted Content you need to go big in spending, but where do you get so much SBD to actually try and promote your content... remember you are a new user or somebody that has not yet earned much more than few Steem Dollars with your good posts. Well, you have to buy them, if you can afford to buy them in order to help yourself in getting more visible and attracting more readers and maybe, but just maybe also earning at least to cover your cost for the promotion by promoting your post (no guarantees for that). You can easily spend tens or even hundreds of dollars trying to promote yourself and end up with not much as a return... so you might be better off by just continuing to try hard as everybody tells you to. This way you may still be earning just a little reward for your posts, but at least you will not be spending money that you may not be able to afford to lose.

A the moment the Promoted page seems more like a place where the established authors that have earned quite a lot of SBD already and can afford to spend quite a bit just promoting further their work. There is nothing bad in that of course, but they are essentially ruining the features for everyone else that just wants to use it to help in getting more readers / followers that may be interested in the type of topic(s) they are posting about.

Just take a look, the top promoted post at the moment is boosted with $200 SBD, the second one is with $125 SBD, the third one is with $122 SBD... the 20th is boosted with $50 SBD. Also in the top 20 boosted posts most people are with a reputation level of 60 or above (just a few with a bit less). This trend continues for the top 40 boosted posts with the 40th currently boosted with $20 SBD. Going down to 60 posts there are mostly 50 to 60 reputation users there and the 60th post is with just $10 SBD, down to the 80th post and you get $6 SBD boosted, the 100th post is boosted with $4.04 SBD, the 120th post is boosted with $2.27 USD, the 140th post is boosted with $1.68 SBD, the 160th is $1 SBD, the 180th is $1 SBD, and the 200th is $1 SBD... the 300th is just $0.05 SBD and there are even more boosted posts after that.

For the moment users have spent $5,740.159 SBD for promoting posts by ending them to the @null account for "burning". It seems that at this point it is hard for new users to get up in the Promoted page as there are people with more resourced that will just get ahead of them. So what is left for users is to hope that a whale can notice them somewhere along the lower part of the promoted posts and vote for them. This however is not what most authors are looking for by promoting their posts as a whale vote, although can increase the reward for a post usually does not help much in bringing more readers or followers and that is more important for a lot of people than a single time one of their posts earning a bigger reward.

There is the argument that others may also decide to help you by promoting your good posts and paying themselves for the promotion, but then again even before the introduction of this function you could still send SBD or even better Power Up another user if you want to help him grow and further develop on Steemit. You can still do that if you want to support a user on Steemit for what he/she is doing well already as alternative to resorting to the promotion of posts.

The conclusion for the moment is that there is not much point in spending a lot of SBD just to promote yourself on the Promoted page if you are looking to attract more readers and followers. It may help you get bigger reward once for the specific post, hopefully enough to cover your boost cost, but unless you get to the trending page (still quite hard to do for a non-established author or a celebrity author) there won't be much new readers / followers for you. Hopefully in time things may balance and the cost for boosting posts to get at a more normal level to provide a more reasonable entry point for new users to take advantage of the feature...

If you have a question or want to add something, then please leave a comment below.

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While the point does deviate slightly from your main topic (that spending SBD for a minnow to get more attention is not worth it) I will point out that the 5k that was "burned" is essentially 10 BTC worth of Steem that is no longer in circulation. Even if it is primarily helping the dolphins in terms of post promotion, I'm happy to see that it is also helping the rest of us as far as helping to increase the price/ value of Steem.

Yes, the burning of the SBD used for promotion is probably the only well functioning part for the moment... ;)

Sounds like there should be a separate promotion page for users who have steem power worth less than $2000

There is also another thing here, and that is how many people beside maybe "Whales" and people that also promote their content actually check the Promoted page... people need to visit it often and actually vote for content they like. I get the feeling that there are still not yet that much people doing that.

Adding a second page will only complicate things and then again will also bring the problem of people actually checking it and voting, especially when knowing that there will be no people with "sure rewards" for their votes... that goes for the people that still just vote for the curation rewards.

so no separate page, but maybe 2 days of the week set aside for users who have steem power worth less than $2000

So some people should be waiting for these two days of the week to promote their posts... and maybe not even post their good posts and save them for publishing just before the promotion window they get each week... don't think that this will be a solution either.

The best way will be just for the users with a lot of resources and established reputation to stop throwing huge amounts of SBD to promote their latest posts, most of them just don’t need it anyway… leaving the feature to these that actually need it and allowing the boost cost to normalize.

those with allot of money and no rules to govern how they spend it, will not care about what those who cant afford to spend it need or want... they will only play by the rules, not by concience

Precisely why things shold change, so that we will not have to depend on these people :D

Good points.
But note the subject promoted feeds (crypto-news promoted ) for instance you only need $1 boost to make the top 10.
On Side note, It seems like most features here are designed for whales to use.What minnows need is sort by vote count or by 15-45minute post or high rep low post value. A minnow focus group might be nice for steemit devs.

lastly don't underestimate third parties. This site is headed in right direction for increasing visibility

Just adding a sort won't lead to Sybil. handled it well only counting higher reputations.

Have you thought of a day with no whale votes for experimentation purposes? It would be interesting to see if Sybil is a problem on that day.

Ok, so what percentage of the people that visit the Promoted page (not that much yet) will go and select the crypto-news category... and what if you don't write crypto-news related posts...

It should be easier to go to a category. Go to any category then promoted and it's an interesting list with low boosted values unless you want to boost in steemit.

This can work only if you post something in one of the popular categories, but what if your post is still interesting, but not in steemit, photography, life, introduceyourself, art etc? Or you should include an unrelated tag just to be added in a popular category... yeah, anything could be life :)

nice insights. it's a good thing though that some whales(kudos to them) still go through the history of posts, not under promoted, to check for quality ones..if all whales will just focus in the promoted tab then all of us minnows (who does not have enough SBD to promote such article)will be buried 6 feet deep and some may lose interest

Here we are just dreaming about whale votes again, this is the most serious issue that needs attention on Steemit... people should stop going for whale votes or hoping that they will get some...

Yes, it is nice to see a good big reward for a post that you have written, spending time and effort to do it, but you should not need Whale votes for a good post to get a good reward...

Thank you for upvote on my post. I share one back! :-)

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