
"I don't see how they are going to do this without a redistribution of wealth."

I agree. Everything I read from the UN organization itself talks about the necessity of redistributing wealth and brainwashing the masses of "haves" into a "Sustainability" mindset rather than a capitalistic mindset (i.e. "global citizenship"). The present outlook looks great, but I fear that at some point we'll probably go from being blessed ("unsustainable") to being plundered heavily ("sustainable"). Once they figure out how to tax this thing . . .

When you hear phrases like, "...for the common good...", that's when you should start to worry.

I just have a fundamental issue with the UN because of its foundation. Some of the main actors are known occult folks...and that makes me take a pause on whether or not I should trust them (which I don't).

"When you hear phrases like, "...for the common good...", that's when you should start to worry."

You nailed it . . . That old line began in the Garden of Eden and the quest for "the good" has been a stumbling block ever since.

I have fundamental issues with them as well. As I read through their 2030 Agenda, I'm struck by just how polar opposite their idea of "the common good" is from the Biblical idea of what is good. It's almost if they read the Bible and decided to do everything the opposite way. They're like the anti-bible.

Yep...not hard to see when you find that their founders were part of different occult organizations like Lucifer Trusts, INC, Freemasons, etc...

I think I might do a short post on the founders of the UN this week. Or at least, some of the interesting players.

I would really be interested in that. I’ve noticed that many members of the Club of Rome have entangled themselves into UN committees. Funny how the Club of Rome can almost predict the future. Then the UN tells nations what to do, or one of our politicians comes up with a grand new plan, which essentially brings to life what the Club of Rome wants.

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