
Hi Sharon. Yes, I followed your link in the comment you made in a recent post, and discovered that I was ALREADY subscribed to your list. I just added you as a member of my new list, and if you give me permission I will add you to the next weekly update post as a contributor to the campaign. Let me know. My intuition tells me that, since you have been having a bit of difficulty getting things moving on YOUR list, that you come aboard with MY effort. The reasons for this are that : (1) I am working with @reko on this, and he is a skilled Steemit promoter with a sizeable network. (2) I am a Twitter Guru, and at HIGHLY skilled at bringing the campaign where it needs to go. (3) it's better if we STREAMLINE everything into ONE CHANNEL. If you agree with this I think it would be IDEAL for you to reach out to the members/subscribers of YOUR group and see if you can get them over to mine. I will then keep you in the loop if/when there are any tasks you may be able to assist with in the processes of advancing my campaign. Most of those tasks will be in the weekly updates anyway, but if anything SPECIFIC comes up I can reach out to you directly. Your thoughts?

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