Standing Up To Dumbing Yourself Down

in #promo-steem5 years ago

When you are nervous, you place a lot more focus on yourself.

You get stuck in your ego.

That causes you to believe that there is a spotlight on you.

So you feel like the center of attention.

When you feel like the center of attention, what do you do?

'I try to impress....A lot.'

Exactly. And this causes you to overcompensate.

Aka: turn simplicity into complexity.

That's one of the reasons you talk too much when you are nervous.

'Is that the only reason?'

No, there is another one.

Another reason you talk too much is because you want to show off how smart you are.

I used to have that problem.

When I was studying for the SATs in the 11th grade, I learned a whole bunch of new words.

Words that I wanted to use in the real world.

So I began sneaking in these words during convo's to show how educated I was.

'Were people impressed?'

Not at all.

It just made people confused, and they left scratching their heads.

You've heard of the term 'dumbing down' before.

But that phrase gets a bad rep because it has the word 'dumb' in it.

In reality:

Dumbing down = Simplifying your message.

Still, it's easy to see that phrase in a negative light.

So let me give you an another definition.

Dumbing down = Keep the content of your message, but alter your delivery.

Brilliant communicators are the ones who can turn very messy, complex & grand ideas into simplicity.

That's modern day magic.

Since information is abundant, getting to the point is crucial.

'Can I still use the big words that I learned during the SATs?'

You can. But I recommend you know who you are speaking to.

Getting to know your audience is a communication LAW.

So you're going to need to use your own judgment on that one.

For the past few years, I went from a complex talker into a very simple one.

The way that we are moving with attention spans plummeting, you need to make the transition as well.

Whether it's with public speaking, social skills or online branding, SIMPLICITY WINS.

This is excellent news for you because i'm telling you that you have to do LESS.

It's sort of like you are trying to impress that cute girl.

So you are texting her nonstop, showing up outside her work & liking every Instagram photo.

While in reality, all you need to do is make her laugh.

The first route makes you look creepy.

The second route makes you look poised.

Get it?

Do less, not more.

Silly baboon.

And that's how you amplify your message & increase charisma along the way.

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Fostering Steem on Twitter

Creating social awareness about Steem on Twitter is a collective endeavour and prominent steemians like @stephenkendal @theycallmedan @ocd @clixmoney and a multitude of others are consistently & steadily preaching the word about this community blockchain.
If you have a twitter account you need to board on this boat. You can do this by pursuing particularly with regard, tags such as #steem #posh #steemit & #steemspeak and you will meet, engage and interact with other steemers on the platform and buidl better together by keeping the dialogue coursing.

  • Connect & Associate with the (I ❤️ Steem) brought to you by @stephenkendal by incorporating the figure of speech "I ❤️ Steem" to your twitter name.


  • Don't forget to promote your Steemit content on Twitter using the tags, #posh #steem & steemspeak under auspices of @ocdb @ocd

  • Also incorporate the tag #promo-steem on your Steemit blog posts that regard with promoting steemit on other social media platforms. Supported by @theycallmedan

Till Tomorrow.

Trilston 💲


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Oh wow! You impress me on this post. I like you already. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and wisdom @tonytrilions. You very much sound like someone I know.

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