How Steem Has Impacted My Life: My Steem Story

in #promo-steem5 years ago (edited)


For the past three hours, I've been thinking, how has Steem impacted my Life? But then I realise it's been a complete makeover, in totality of my whole personality without leaving one stoned unturned. Let me start from late 2016, steem became an opportunity for a young blogger with no platform to showcase himself I was into twitter looking for opportunities to write from home, blog from home, Freelance from home being a young college student who was passionate about art, blogging, poetry and stand up Poetry.

The opportunities to do all these Where really limited in my country and this made me start blogging for free on Facebook, owning a blogspot in a bid to well really advertise my trade, it wasn't long I got introduced to Fiverr, but the system made it impossible to earn since some client would refuse to pay you and yet they'll go on to use your work. So all these platforms had some crazy terms and conditions and they'll end up showcasing no fruitful results, so when I found steem in late September 2017, I started writing most of the contents I've piled of course which have been rejected in places like Fiverr and on-line publishing outlet and boom that was it.



As a young man back in the days 2013


Back in 2016 full time job and a part-time student and still looking for the opportunities (me at the far right)

Steem The Saving Grace (Financially)

Make no mistake, the biggest impact of Steem in my life has been financially in 2017 January I was working as a literature teacher and schooling part time as well and I started earning steem for actually posting my projects and my school activities, this have me a huge boost and when Cryptocurrency mooned in late December 2017 I took this opportunity to embrace full-time blogging, I bought phones and well I decided to complete my building projects, I was actually building a house in 2015 but I abandoned it due to funds, so I came back in January 2018 to start building blocks and I've completed it pending plastering and adding windows and some Little stuffs. I was actually an indoor person and steem took me off my heels.


Finished building in 2018, the nearly completed house is behind

I Travelled A Lot Due To Steem

So in March 2018 I started traveling, going to museums, art galleries, symposiums and zoos and even meet ups, all over the country. In actuality i had a girlfriend who was lived in Botswana and all these are the traveling I did due to steem. It was a beautiful impact which I of course relish whenever I look at my life till date. So because I relinquished my jobs to meet new people I categorically took time to lecture people on a particular place where they can get more by simply putting their money. From time I wasn't really into all taking and taking, steem was a prospect that seemed different I didn't understood where the money came from and this made me wary of taking and taking instead I took time, observed and only took out because I wanted to travel a lot. So there was this change about my perception towards money and Contenting and that was when ushered me to the next impact steem has had in my life.



The best part of 2018 was due to steem





Steem Became My First Chance At Investment And Investing

It's no everyday one stumbles on a brilliant opportunity to become an investor during 2014 I tried investing in Ponzi scheme, lotto, peer to peer money schemes and I wasted a lot of my hard earned money. The truth is that there were irhwet Opportunities for me to invest in share, being a shareholders in startup companies and earn on returns on monthly basis but one is required to own a huge amount of money to be able to do this, how about agriculture, animal husbandry, fish farming and dairy products? All these needed me to invest hugely, all though all these are prospects that will yield money in the short run, I had no money eventually to invest on them.

So when I started seeing returns on steem I started to invest on all these and investing back on steem. So I formulated this business ideas to stay afloat, I knew steem was volatile and there might be a period where steem would really fall out big time and it might take time to get back up again and of course I was right. Here we currently are! One thing with centralised opportunities and decentralized opportunities is risk, I understand that bringing money out alone to invest into something is risk because you can't tell the factors that might work against you or be in your favour and when you look at some people going strong despite the market, they've prepared for this time. A time which an investor might doubt their believe on what they've bought into.


How about this for an impact?

In Conclusion; Why Will I Recommend Steem over other projects?

Steem strongest value is utility, the ability to have your cake and still eat it, can we attribute this factor to Bitcoin?, Ethereum? EOS? and other wannabe decentralized platforms? How about other centralised platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the likes? Truth is when you look at the businesses built on steem you'll see that it gurrantees you total ownership for your content and your investments. Web tokenization is real and many centralised platform will try to catch up with the trend, but with steem we're already there. Steem is just an example of what web tokenization will look like in the future and the fact that steem is bringing the future into the present is one reason why I'll recommend steem to any other place.

In 2020 steem will showcase other aspects through which true decentralization can be proven, look at 3speak, actifit, splinterland, Dsound, the world will experience tokeneconomics, and only time will tell. Steem of course has its challenges just like any other prospects, imagine $ 20 million being put into steem currently? and imagine the same amount put into other prospects? Steem has the potentials and shows developments that seems mindblowing. I'm still buying into steem because I believe in it's future. Psychologically, financially, there's been an all round change in my life in just 2 years and four months of getting to know steem, no other opportunity has ever had an impact on me in such a time or ever.


Fascinating story. I can see some similarities with my Steemian journey as I also decided to go fulltime back in late 2017/early 2018 but yours is much more impressive. All the best to you and keep on steeming&rocking man :)

Well it's been enjoyable having to go full-time really and I've had fun with that process it's been absolutely amazing and steem has been too integral to my life. Thanks for the comments

That was a very pleasant read. It is nice to see the good sides of steem life and not just the rants of rage quitting because of price or volatility or because some think it a ponzi scheme. It takes time to see potential, it is not something that is going to jump out and say Hey over here, I am Potential, we need to look and evaluate and judge, from what I read you were able to accomplish quite a bit by seeing the potential early in your steem trip/travels.

Here's to 2020, and continued stability.

Thanks a whole lot, yeah I feel in recent times it's been all about the negatives and quitting I mean steem is having it's trying times it doesn't mean it's dying or going to be dead. It's amazing here and it's been awesome being on steem despite all and I'm glad you approve

Great post man!
And quite an accomplishment to even build your own house.
Admire your drive.

Thanks a whole lot @smasssh the house was a few of the accomplishment I could rather boast of, it's the impact of Steem and it's been beautiful having to be here all through and how much this place has given to me. I'm grateful and to people like you I can't be grateful enough

Good job on this post. Always good to hear these type of stories.

Thanks a whole lot it was a pleasure to talk and tell about it.

🥰🥰🥰🥰😘🥰🥰🥰 so much love and respect for you!

So so so much better and I am ready for 2020 :) 222F94B1-FD93-464B-9AC4-8C6842E147F8.jpeg

Glad to see that spectacular performance!, this really shows the difference between Steem & ponzi scheme that some non-users of steem might think. You have given us a detailled and comprehensive story of your steem journey, you really worked hard, more grease to your elbow!

Hahaha I'm glad you caught that part, I definitely had to do that, it was worth taking a lot of time to read through and it was important for me to differentiate steem with every other opportunities out there, thanks for taking time to read and leaving your comment

Wow. That's a lot my man. I can connect to most of these changes as well.

Hahaha you're absolutely right, some of these changes happened and hit everyone at same time, thank you definitely for the comment

Good evening dear brother, steem has impacted the lives of many, if we continue with discipline and effort we can achieve many more successes.

God bless you and go ahead always @josediccus-

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