Promo-Steem - Decentralized Marketing Department of Steemit - Is Going to the London Cryptocurrency Show!

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians, The Autonomous Decentralized Marketing, is Going to the London Cryptocurrency Show!
This is a special place were the eyes of some of the wealthiest investors will be!

The great team of @starkerz, @stephenkendal, and @anarcotech will at the conference with important roles and will have a stage several hours daily to speak about crypto and the steem blockchain! London is a huge place/center for business in the world, perhaps the biggest!

Since the stages are there for the amazing autonomous marketing team, it would be great if @ned could be there one of the days! It would have an amazing impact!

The Promo-Steem team will be giving people upvotes for attending ;) (See comment from @starkerz below)

Some things that the promo-steem team needs are:

1- Volunteers to participate in different activities during the Conference
2- People to film the event
3- Whales to come represent
4- Notable investors on steemit to attend and do talks


London Cryptocurrency Show - Steem Blockchain - Steemit - Promo-Steem - Marketing and Promotions.png


For more details about the London Cryptocurrency Show, I definitely recommend you to read @anarcotech announment:

What is Promo-Steem?

Promo-Steem rewards people for promoting Steemit and the Steem Blockchain.

The #promo-steem project, has its own website in beta launch and an excellent business plan to expand the efforts all around the world. The site is: and it gives all the tools needed to promote Steemit in any part of the world, as well as valuable resources for people to learn about Steemit and the Steem Blockchain.
As it can be read on the website: "The promo-steem team of Ambassadors rewards and support the worldwide network of voluntaryists who are actively promoting and growing Steem and the Steemit platform."

Some of the Main Activities being made by the #promo-steem project:

1- Initial Funding: Funding the start of Steem and Steemit marketing/promotions by giving microloans to people that do not have resources to start and print the needed material. Afterwards this people return the micro-loan (People make pitches to apply for a microloan):

2- Continuous Funding: Funding Steem and Steemit marketing/promotions around the world (after a promotion has been done):

3- Showing Ways for faster Onboarding: Helping on the onboarding of new users in different signup ways available on the website. An important thing being discussed on the last panel held by @aggroed a few days ago with some of the 20 top witnesses.

4- Making Promotional Material Easy Available: Helping the called steem-ambassadors around the world have the needed steem promotional material to print:

5- Resoruces for Learning: Providing resources for promoters (steem ambassadors) and for new users to learn about Steemit and Steem, and thus help them understand how they can make their way on the platform, and add value to the community.

6- Manual/Human Curation: Manualy curating blog posts from the #promo-steem tag that are really quality helping on the promotion of steemit and steem around the world. Once the Guild (@steem-ambassador) gets a bit more of SP delegations, this account will work similar to the @utopian-io bot, in the way that once the quality #promo-steem posts are manualy curated, the bot will give a percentage of upvote based on the manual and human upvotes given to a certain post.
[The Guild is on an early stage. This is something being worked now so as to get it running as soon as possible]

This self-autonomous department was created from scratch and started its first steps with #promo-steem tag, and this is all credit to @starkerz , @stephenkendal , @anarcotech who have been planning and working on this for several months from now.

Here is a short video created by and featuring the core team of @stephenkendal, @starkerz and @anarcotech, this video will give you an insight into the passion and thought that has gone into creating #promo-steem and the @steem-ambassador programme which is now taking applications.


Here is what you will listen on the video:

00:00 - how it all started
01:18 - adding value to the blockchain
03:25 - what it is and the philosophy behind promo-steem
04:28 - a voluntaryist marketing department
06:19 - website vision
08:47 - steem ambassadors
11:10 - introduction to the guild curation system
12:09 - promoting STEEM for everyone's benefit, and our vision


What Support Will be great From the Steemit Community?


1- YOUR FEEDBACK IS VERY APPRECIATED: First of all, it would be great to get your thoughts on the project, and if you (as the brilliant visionaries you are) also believe as we do that it can really help for the growth community, and thus bring much more value faster!

2- STEEM POWER DELEGATIONS FOR THE GUILD: And, if you are really motivated as the creators of the project (@starkerz , @stephenkkendal and @anarcotech ) and myself (@gold84), it would be excellent if you could help us see the best way to get some Steem Power Delegations for the @steem-ambassador Guild, so that all the voluntarists around the world that are doing efforts to promote steemit and steem, can get the funding they deserve to get even more motivation, and continue their actions further. This Guild will be giving a percentage of upvote based on the manual curation by the steem ambassadors that are all around the with promo-steem.

3- SUPPORT THE @steem-ambassador VOTING TRAIL - Supporting Promoters: Here is a recent post from @starkerz explaining about this:


Looking forward to hear your feedback and thoughts!


Regards, @gold84



  1. we will be giving people upvotes for attending ;)
  2. we need volunteers
  3. we need people to film the event
  4. we need whales to come represent
  5. we need notable investors on steemit to attend and do talks.

Thanks for your great work here @gold84

@starkerz I will add all this right now, and begin the translation to Spanish, so Spanish speaking people also get to know about this huge project!

Regards, @gold84

What!!! Always getting amazed by great posts like this.

thanking you for letting us be informed @gold84
cheers for the great work you are doing in promoting steemit

I think this is a good thing for me and others who have not much to know about all of this.

Many things I do not know yet, what to do to participate. I think participating from afar @gold84.

Is there a direction from @starkerz maybe...

Are you in the UK and will love to be in this event, I will love to link you up.

Ok, i thought you want to attend the event

Hello @gold84
Promo-steem is really an amazing community, I wish many more will join the guild. I have benefited from this community and currently enjoy a loan from them.

I look forward to an amazing event.

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