Full-time Steem Ambassador: Day 2 - Setting up speeches inside different universities

in #promo-steem6 years ago

"A Steem Ambassador from a third world country, can I live with Steem/SBD alone?" 

  The fastest way to create a name/credibility for me is to have multiple speaking gigs and use those videos/pictures to get to radio stations as well as TV stations. 


  I think the easiest way to conduct speeches/seminar for anything is through universities. This is not easy, I'm not suggesting that you just go to a university and ask them if you could speak at an event although it may work, luckily I already have multiple connections inside different universities cos my groups are quite well known in my city. 

  Am I using my groups fame? 

  No, only the connections. I need to establish a new entity Steemit Pampanga and me as Steem Ambassador. To get the trust of the people, you need to get credibility and you have to look like an expert in what you're doing. 

  Not an expert?

  You dont need technical skills, coding skill or big steemit account in order to be recognized as an expert on steem. People who are listening to you generally never heard of steemit or blockchain technology. This is a chance for me to teach them how anyone can earn here on steemit and people will label you as an "expert" just because you know more than anyone else. 

  Accomplished today

  I have 2 possible speaking chances to offer the idea of Steemit to university students. 

  • Engineering Students - this is through the help of my friend whos the President of School of Engineering Org.
  • Art workshops - from the tourism office, they conduct free workshops for musical instruments as well as art painting, drawing etc. The head organizer agreed to teach them how they can earn with their artworks online.

  Last comments

  This speeches will get me eventually to TV stations and radio stations .although we already promoted steemit in 2 TV interviews, we need a lot more to make steemit a household name where anyone can have the opportunity to earn online.

Thank you for reading!
Happy promoting!


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

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