Why Attending Meetings (Meetups, Conferences, Workshops, etc) Should Be Part of Your Game Plans For Success On Steemit

in #promo-steem6 years ago

In today's world, there is a myriad of ways to learn new things and improve your skills. You can decide to read, listen to podcasts, attend webinar and watch educational videos, among others. For these reasons, many find it difficult to attend live events, seeing it as a waste of time and scarce resources.


If this is your case, well I should say you are missing out on one of the best known tools to launch yourself into the mainstream. Live events (Meetups, Conferences, Workshops, etc) provide you with rare, unique learning and career building opportunities that you cannot find else where.

Let me take you through some of the reasons you should make it compulsory to attend live events and also send people working under you to conferences.

Opportunity to meet experts and influencers face to face

This is one of the major benefits of attending live events. Although it is not all meetups or conferences that would offer you the desired opportunity to meet with influential people one on one, but sharing or being under the same roof greatly improves the possibility of that. @elear was able to get at @ned during the last year's #Steemfest and at the end of the meeting, @ned delegated one million Steem Power to @utopian.io account.


It offers you the opportunity to network

No one survives as an island of oneself. This is an agelong, fundamental truth. Success in life, to a large extent, entails networking and making right connections with people of diverse backgrounds. Whereas it is true that one can leverage on social media to keep in touch with friends and colleagues from both within and overseas, but honestly, there is no substitute to meeting someone in real life.

Well organized live events have opportunities such as cocktails, lunch, photo break and other forms of breakout sessions for attendees to socialize with one another; establishing new relationships and strengthening existing ones for mutually beneficial association. Within the context of Steemit program, you don't know if the person sitting next to you would become your biggest supporter and upvoter throughout the rest of your stay on Steemit. Now, with you out of the way by not attending, another clever Steemian may well take over the opportunity and gets to enjoy the benefits that otherwise would have been yours.


Opportunity to learn new tips and tactics

Information, of course, maybe somewhere on the web but a good conference helps cut through the clutter to deliver the best content for its participants. Source

Internet houses a lot of information. As true as this is, sometimes locating the right information you are seeking becomes so daunting a task that one may have to just abandon everything there. Live events assemble lots of experts on different topics in a given discipline. Attending such conferences offers you the opportunity to ask your questions on any topic within a given discipline and have them answered by experts live and direct, saving hundreds of browsing data. During the just concluded meetup at Enugu, I was surprised to find out some Steemians didn't even know what discordapp is. And I had to take my time to break it real down and guided them on how to download it.

Without attending that meetup, those who didn't know about discordapp, would have continued blogging without employing necessary tools.


You will see reasons to real out of your comfort zone

This is, perhaps, most important benefits of attending meetup, workshops and conferences. Live events engender competitiveness to work harder among participants. During live events, you get to discover some of your mates in a particular discipline or program, who are doing far better than you. This would make you to begin to entertain certain inwards questions such as: is this person that has attained this feat not my mate in this program? What has he done to have attain this level of success that I have not been doing?

By answering this inwards questions, you will be forced to break out of your comfort zone. If you are the type that sleeps a lot, you may begin to adjust the duration of your sleep period to devote more time to blogging. No medium that will allow you to appreciate the level of growth of your contemporaries more than real life situations.



Success on Steemit isn't all about just blogging unendingly; interacting within the perimeter of your blog, upvoting and commenting on other posts. This alone, as important as they are to your success, cannot make you a successful Steemian. You need live networking; you need to build relationships outside internet. People tend to be more serious with business relationships offline. Live events provide that important convergence for learning, making deals, and building social bridges between diverse groups of people.

Start attending live events today

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Long live @eurogee the founder of @euronation!
Well said sir, I look forward to the day you will be invited by my humble self to warri meet-up. I can't imagine how that day would be for me to behold you face 2 face.
God bless you Sir.
I remain my humble self @diamondrich

Hahahahaha how you @diamondrich. It been quite a while

Nice one @eurogee.
I have voted u as a witness. Thanks

You definitely don't know what your talking about. Can I see how you voted sir? Perhaps a screenshot would suffice?

Okay my friend. Thanks. You should have said proxy than witness. I am not a witness o

You really spoke well,attending meetings,serminal are parts ofsucess on steemit,you might even meet people that will change your life forevever,even life partners,thou have not bren priviledge to attend one before,but when next am oppourtunied to go,i will

The pleasure is mine. Thanks for reading

Thank you sir @eurogee, I think I should try doing live meeting, conferences.... 😊❤️

Yes do please

Great, you gave me reasons to attend meet up.
And i hope to attend one soon

Really. I feel honored I am the reason you will begin to attend meetups

On i nice notes..
I see wisdom in your words..
Unfortunately i couldnt make the just concluded ibadan meet up.
Looking forward to the next one
While i would be planning a meetup for lautechsteemitcommunity.
Would love to bring to the event @eurogee

There is always opportunity to attend meetups. Thanks

Thanks for sharing this Sir. Just like every other professions and life venture, networking cannot be overemphasized and this is what I have realized in my short time of being here. Therefore, instead of blogging unending like you said, I have started building interaction within the community and have started seeing positive changes. I'm yet to attend any meet up as several ones held have been far from my base , I would really love to participate in the future.
It's good to be here.


You are right. That KS for the additional insights

I wish to be attending seminar now and live event in steemit program in order to give more knowledge and to meet do some steemit meet up with other great steemit to share from there knowledge that i can use to make A on this platform am ready for the next steemit up very to close to where i am currently

O yes. Try a d be attending

You are right sir. I attended my first meet-up on Saturday in Ibadan, that was when I knew the opportunity I've denied myself since all this while. Thanks for this post

Really. That's a good step

People don't know how important meetups can be. It can open our eyes to lots of opportunities once we begin to interact with people face to face.

You are right my dear. Hope fine

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