Potential collaboration of @project.hope with sbdpotato - what do you think?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #projecthope4 years ago (edited)

Hi guys

I had pleasure to "talk" to thecryptodrive today and we're exploring options of collaborating with each other and supporting each others growth.

He menioned to me about his initiative: sbdpotato

Does anyone here know something about this project, and would be willing to share opinion? I would appreciate your feedback (either here in comment section, or via telegram/discord).

Thecryptodrive seem to be very well known person. And I'm always very careful whenever I'm dealing with people who have solid influence. So I would appreciate if you guys could share with me your own opinion, if I should purse collaborating with this user and if sbdpotato is indeed worth supporting.

please do not resteem - I don't want this post to attract unnecessary attention. I only care about opinion of our team from @project.hope




Here are the links for my argument against the potato




Anyway, if the proposal is anything related to sbdpotato, i don't think it is a good idea.

But if it's a proposal unrelated to that, that depends on what he will want in return.

Remember that he is a businessman, so if the proposal have equal benefits for both sides, well, why not.

Thanks for sharing all those links with me @phgnomo

I appreciate it greately. IT will help me understand better what am I getting myself into :)

Hi Piotr,
I don't see what it would bring to either party to team up together? This project has been funded by Steem DAO already. Correct me if I don't see it correctly...

Hi @achim03

At this very stage I don't know how could we potentially support each other. What I know is that or growth as project.hope depends on constant growth of our network. So getting closer to people running other projects may be a good way to go.

Right now I'm considering if getting publicly closer to thecryptodrive and his project (sbdpotato). I know that not everyone like this user (I'm also having many "enemies" here) and I need to figure out if noone from our team is against him or this project.

I don't see what it would bring to either party to team up together?
We both have large amount of SP and influence -> that always means many different options to collaborate.

Hope I'm making sense?

cc: @lanzjose - drop a comment. You've been collaboraring with thecryptodrive for quite a while.

Yours, Piotr

Greetings colleagues, a little late here but it has been a very, very busy week for me at the university accompanied by a little internet interruptions.

But well, regarding what is mentioned in the post, about sbd potato, I don't have references like that about it, but the thecryptodrve is an important person of this media, in fact if I remember correctly through @lanzjoseg, it was that I "met" him and voted for his whitness (the only vote I made of the 30 available).

I apologize for the delays, and if possible I will go recover the votes I have pending.

Hi @jjqf

Just a moment ago I decided to check out your profile and see if you published any articles lately - only to realize that you didn't publish anything in a long while.
Hope you are well and didn't give up on steemit yet.

Cheers, Piotr

Hello friends,

Sorry for the delay of my comment.
Indeed I have some time working with him, doing some translations for several projects.
I think it would be a good opportunity to continue growing.

thecryptodrive is CEO of "buildteam" and sister project of dlease, tokenbb, ginabot, steemsports, btuniverse, techinvestor.io, steemsports-es and minnowbooster, steemvoter.

Currently, in a very personal way, I am supporting your proposal of HF Proposal: Vote to Reduce Power Down Period to 4 Weeks.

With regard to sbdpotato, I also think that it is a good idea to try to balance the market so that the SBD achieves a good price, we all know that the currency must increase its value and inflation does not allow it for multiple factors.
I can leave the link so they can read what it is about.

SBD Potato: Peg Repair Community Initiative

By the way last night, I spoke with "thecryptodrive" in the discord chat, he was a bit far from the platform, since recently he just became a father for the third time, something great for the family of thecryptodrive

Thanks for the info.

thecryptodrive is CEO of "buildteam" and sister project of dlease, tokenbb, ginabot, steemsports, btuniverse, techinvestor.io, steemsports-es and minnowbooster, steemvoter.

How can someone have time to be in so many things at once?
it´s amazing!

Well, I don't know the work of sbdpotato, I checked his profile and his latest publication at https://steempeak.com/sbdpotato/@sbdpotato/sbd-potato-2020-01-29-11580336429812 to get any idea what it is about .

From what I understood, they are trying to achieve the recovery of the value of the SBD again to the value of $ 1, something that I have seen in stable currencies such as DAI or USDC, if that is one of your current goals, I think I can share it and it would be good find some way to support each other.

Hello dear @crypto.piotr, thanks for the invitation.

I recently wrote an article supporting a proposal from this user, in the process I could read other proposals including the one you mentioned.

This project is a good proposal, you just have to wait to see if it gives the expected results, nothing is certain.

As for mutual collaboration, I think it would be a good alliance, we are growing, we are a serious project and the big accounts begin to look towards us, some with suspicion and others see the possibility of alliances, mutual help and closure.

In my opinion that is good!

P.D: While doing my research I thought we could introduce a proposal in STEEM PROPOSAL, you think about it and we support it ... what do you think?

So, I am new around here, but depending on what is the collaboration, at first don't like the idea.

I written 3 articles with arguments against the project (I will link them later), but it a useless, innefective, and damaging to the image of steem.

Also, there is a few other issues I see, but since I don't have anything concrete about it, I can't publicize these suspicious.

I dont like the idea.

I didn't know anything about this project. However, I read what @pedrobrito2004 said and what they want is to set the value of the SBD back to $1.

Although I don't know if they are still trying to do that. o.O

Thanks for the memo @coach.piotr. I have heard about sbdpotato before on the passing. I do not have deep knowledge about what they do and how it works. Permit me to research about that project. Thanks

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