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RE: So Im Thinking of Coding A Game Again

in #programming8 years ago

Sure go for it. Did you pick up the deal on Humble Bundle where you could get all of the Gamemaker Studio Pro add-ons that are usually over $100 each for a few dollars? I snagged it even though I do most of my design on Unity at the moment. I am really engine agnostic. I use what tool is likely to accommodate me the best at the time.

I've been posting quite a number of gamedev blogs. Some of them about my actual games didn't do too well financially here on steemit. Others seem to do well.

Best advice I can give is to post about what you enjoy writing about. Treat it like fishing. If it does well great, if not, simply keep on going forward writing about stuff you enjoy to write about anyway.


I unfortunately did not know there was a big gamemaker bundle until today when I got into the subreddit, as I've been inactive in gamemaker for at least 6-8 months after getting it about a year ago. For now I think it will serve my purpose well, as I keep reducing my core concepts into the most minimum viable game I can think of for ease of coding, then growing from there.

Thanks for the tips.

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