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RE: What Doggy Diapers Revealed About Facebook's Marketing Algorithms

in #privacy7 years ago

Thanks for the helpful links.

The speech analysis stuff is especially creepy - something that would have seemed absurd a couple of years ago that's now quite possible. I know that when I had to renew my cable contract and wanted only internet (no TV), they gave me a better deal for a package that included TV...and then sent me a remote control with voice search and activation. Why the hell would I want that? In any case the Cable box sits in a closet, unplugged and unused, because we stream everything anyway.

I'd happily ditch Facebook if all of my friends weren't on there. In time, maybe.

Sophie the dog just might outlive all of us. We're unwilling to "put her to sleep" while she still feels comfortable and happy. Best of luck with your dog as well.


Haha, yeah, keeping in touch with people without Facebook, or a phone, can be quite a challenge.

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