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RE: Stunning 3DPrinted Objects (part 2)

in #printing3d7 years ago

Thank you! Indeed, 3DP printing is the future in my opinion. 3D printing allows production on-site rather than somewhere else with all the unnecessary logistics we have today. It'll also allows construction of more complex forms and shapes. I truly believe 3D printing will become THE prime production method; housing, but also smaller objects. Combine 3D printing with inexpensive energy (solar power is decreasing in cost by the day and may become almost free-of-charge in some years/decades from now) we have the opportunity to provide housing for all people on our planet.


That's absolutly amazing ! I just read that Robots will make our pizzas in the kitchen soon , haha ! I had to edit my previous comment because I sounded kind of dumb :)

Indeed; and not only pizza's; espacially in the USA they experiment with quite a few different dishes. For instance chocolate printers are already available on the market for some time. However, I doubt if people accept printed food that quickly; as well as I doubt if the food is really nice; it may be looking and tasting a lot like the factory processed tv dinners; these are producer in a way quite sinilar to printing.

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