Stunning 3DPrinted Objects (part 2)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #printing3d7 years ago (edited)

In my previous post (here) I introduced the first project of Andrey Rudenko, his castle project he created in his own garden. Wanting more than his little fantasy castle, he teamed up with entrepreneur Lewis Yakich who owns the Lewis Grand Hotel in the Philippines. Andrey developed and engineered a new 'party' villa as an extension to the hotel. Not only the out- and inside walls are 3d printed, but also the giant jacuzzi in the living room. The villa itself is around 10.5 by 12.5 meters and 3 meters tall, approximately 130m2 floorspace. For this project Andrey also developed new material based on local base material like volcanic ash.

photo: first layers of the villa

photo: living room Jacuzzi

photo: 3D printer head in operation

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When interested, you can read more about the project here.

More photo's of the project can be found on Andrey's own website here.


Incredible. Really is the way of the future isnt it? Followed for an amazing post :)

Thank you! Indeed, 3DP printing is the future in my opinion. 3D printing allows production on-site rather than somewhere else with all the unnecessary logistics we have today. It'll also allows construction of more complex forms and shapes. I truly believe 3D printing will become THE prime production method; housing, but also smaller objects. Combine 3D printing with inexpensive energy (solar power is decreasing in cost by the day and may become almost free-of-charge in some years/decades from now) we have the opportunity to provide housing for all people on our planet.

That's absolutly amazing ! I just read that Robots will make our pizzas in the kitchen soon , haha ! I had to edit my previous comment because I sounded kind of dumb :)

Indeed; and not only pizza's; espacially in the USA they experiment with quite a few different dishes. For instance chocolate printers are already available on the market for some time. However, I doubt if people accept printed food that quickly; as well as I doubt if the food is really nice; it may be looking and tasting a lot like the factory processed tv dinners; these are producer in a way quite sinilar to printing.

Your posts start getting better and better and I am a bit in shock how much you can do with 3D Printing.. Sorry for my childlike from a different generation kind of thoughts :
All the craftsmen will be out of jobs ?
All those houses will be like perfect clones. Agrrr I like imperfection !
I found this here on one of my favourite blogs : FUTURISM

The future will be about 24x7 personal time for almost all people in the world since robotica and AI will eventually do all the jobs we do now with our hands and brains. When time comes, we can really explore ourselves, not distracted anymore by the must of working. Governments are starting to experiment with basic income; that'll likely the way how we as humans will be able to survive, but not get into a communistic system as tried in many countries last century. A new kind of socialism is in my view inevitable.
Some company from Japan (I believe) print container homes allowing to move the home, for less than a couple of thousand dollars. More to come; keep tuning in.
BTW, Futurism is a great source indeed.

No more " money " ?! More holidays, free time for our children and ourselves . Sounds too good to be true. I understand :) We can be gypsies again . 💕 IT !

Absolutely!!! How cool will it be!! :)

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