
$1.218 USD/STEEM
Volume: 17.4009 BTC, 36228 STEEM / Average Price: 0.00048032
Last Updated Tue Jul 25 18:15:26 2017

$1.220 USD/STEEM
Volume: 17.4009 BTC, 36228 STEEM / Average Price: 0.00048032
Last Updated Tue Jul 25 18:18:22 2017

$1.220 USD/STEEM
Volume: 17.4009 BTC, 36228 STEEM / Average Price: 0.00048032
Last Updated Tue Jul 25 18:18:22 2017

This is crazy @steemprice must you respond to every mention?

$1.223 USD/STEEM
Volume: 17.7456 BTC, 36930 STEEM / Average Price: 0.00048051
Last Updated Tue Jul 25 18:24:33 2017

well of course it is suppose to respond to every mention or I could add an extra requirement, wanted it simple tho

It's going to look messy in a post about itself of course but otherwise people would just use it when needed.

I should prob limit myself to one level lol you're bugging me!

Lol its necessary Mr SteemPrice

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63030.98
ETH 2594.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74