Parents and protecting young girls from sexualization!

in #preteens6 years ago


As a parent of a 7 year old girl I have a vested interest in writing this!..

Protecting young girls from predators and from outside influence is paramount to their safety. I have noticed a lot of Disney movies that promote sexual activity in "supposed" young children's movies over the last decade or longer. Even children's tv on some channels promotes images and scenes I would expect to be more suited to teens, not 6 year olds.

I am no prude, nor am I against children learning things, though there is a time and place for everything, and they need not know everything at such tender ages, especially sex

Whilst on holiday in the summer we were in a swimming pool, and it was impossible not to notice a child of maybe 5 with a padded bikini top, she was smaller than my daughter who was 6. The fact she asked to play with my daughter with a ball, and the look on my daughters face to her fake breasts said more than I can write here.

Super stores and their responsibility!

In the UK a large country wide store was forced to remove padded bikini tops from shelves, that were for girls as young as 7 years old. In a rare case of mainstream presstitutes doing some real reporting, a newspaper in the UK called the sun (it is more a toilet paper) ran a story about these swimsuits and bikinis for girls being inappropriate, the story was followed up by child protection agencies who protested and called the stores, the response was immediate and all stock was removed and never sold again. Though the question also should be why were parents even buying them?.....

Link source

As parents we have to take responsibility for the way we raise our own children, and that includes not sexualizing little girls as it invites predators to look and possibly act on their revolting impulses. I have noticed already even in this very catholic society I find myself in, that some parents are dressing friends of my daughter like teens with makeup and short skirts.

If by writing this it makes one parent think twice about inappropriately dressing young girls, it was worth the time to write.


Government role uncovered!

More than a few governments also need reeling back in, with their promoting children of very tender ages learning about sex, to me that is up to parents at what age and when to notify children of the basics of adult life, Okay not every parent has the skills to do so maybe true, though at the age of 3 or 4 I find it highly inappropriate to be teaching my/our children about sex and the genitalia concerned.

In the UK at nurseries for 3 - 5 year olds, they give them a big book about penises and a big book about vaginas to read.

Do you find it appropriate to teach a 3 year old about orgasms and how to achieve them? In Germany it is considered normal. The left will point to figures in society having lower birth rates due to having this knowledge, I call bullshit, that is more likely to be free contraception handed out in Europe to boys and girls from varying ages. Have a leftist article here Regarding some countries in the EU.

I do not think it is required that I drag this out over a few thousand words, all I am saying here is us, as parents need to take some responsibility to let our children be just that, innocent preteens, not sexual fantasies. Ignoring what a child is consuming via films and images on tv helps nobody, neither does dressing 5 or 6 year olds like 16 year olds.

I will add some other links at the end to this train of thought, let me know what you think.

If this is not appropriate to the @familyprotection tag, please advise and I shall edit it out, thanks for reading.

Taking back control.

If like me you have noticed this societal change of normalizing young children especially girls looking like teens, you and I as parents can change things, we can take back control, we can say no to mini skirts, makeup and padded bras. We have the power to also switch off inappropriate tv, movies & films. We can also stop buying toys that go with these movies, and potentially make it unprofitable for those driving this agenda to continue.

People power can win!.


Verdict = Let young children be just that, innocent and care free.

Image pixabay.


Thanks man, much appreciated.

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They are very open about their desire to sexualize the children now. The vast amount of child female stars who were peddled as wholesome who were transformed overnight into the largest sluts that would make a streetwalker blush is no accident. Back when I was a kid parents wouldn't have tolerated this. I blame a lot of this on the amount of broken homes that they have created through their empowerment propaganda. Single parent households entrusting others, including the media to babysit their kids as they have little energy or desire to do so as the parent.

As always superb comment, and I heartily agree.
By the by, congrats on the sp delegation for a week, I had that once before from Kernel, and it makes the heart warm that someone respects you so much, you deserve it massively also.

Thank you. Yes, it is heartwarming that he chose me for such a gift. It will be a joy to be able to vote for more posts in my feed now that are deserving. With Steem down so much it has limited the amount of posts I could properly curate. So many say there is a lack of quality content here, and I find it to be the opposite when I look at my feed, lol. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

Most welcome, though I have found the same, as the amount of posts have gone down, the quality has got higher, and noticed you shining bright of late, top work indeed.

Parents really do need to take control back from the media and the marketers. Nancy Reagan had her little think just say no (to drugs), parents need to bring that back and just say no to the exploitation of their children. I honestly can not remember the last disney type kids movie I watched, it was probably the original "Ice Age" but really not sure.

You can not trust word of mouth about a film or program for kids, as a parent you need to Watch it first. Because your friends will lie, the rating system will lie, and you can bet your last dollar the politicians will lie.

True that bro, we watch any movie or tv program first before my daughter does, she has been traumatized before by seeing images that are not age appropriate, so not taking chances again.

And the multicultural mixing theme in Hollyweird and Disney is also a leftist dream, though eh, we aint falling for neither, that would be my daughters own choice when the time comes, and does not need to be force fed to her via Disney either.

Yes as parents we have the power to not go the way they would like for the young ones. Well said mate :) have a top day/night

Cheers my friend, it needed saying, have a great week.

Most definately it does need saying.

I told my grand daughters mom I was going to buy her a swim suit and she said just make sure it's not a bikini and I was in total agreement with that, don't want any perverts looking at a four year old like that. It's disgusting they felt comfortable even making a padded top. This year I did buy her a two piece but it was boy short style with a lengthy top.

I think this is why we have so much fighting over the nomination on the SC court here. It's not just about abortion like they claim but there's plenty of other implications like California now teaching kindergarten kids about transgender-ism, next thing you know they'll want to teach that across the country, plus the issue of who uses what bathroom. It's taking control away from parents to make decisions for their kids in the public education arena. If government wants to allow anyone to use whatever they identify with bathrooms then let them found turning all bathrooms into single dorm style unisex style but don't tell women with children they have to share a bathroom with a man.

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