PREPPING 101 - 5 steps to get startedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #prepping7 years ago (edited)

Some can use this as a building block and others as a refresher. Prepping can mean many things.

The definition of prepping is, "the action or process of preparing something, or preparing for something". We are going to learn how to get started in preparing for something.


My motivation for this stems from a post I read from a fellow Steemian yesterday. Basically, they claimed that you weren't a real prepper unless you have an elaborate rain water catchment system, are a successful homesteader, and have hundreds of followers to support their skewed definition of a "real prepper". These claims couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, it is quite egotistical and shows just how far some would go in order to receive upvotes, and gain new followers.

Shame on them for not doing the right thing by our Steemit Community.

Now let's learn some basic steps to get started.


Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why do you want to start prepping?
  • What are you preparing for?


Set realistic goals, for example:

  • I want to have enough resources so I don't have to leave my residence for 3 days after a snowstorm.
  • I want to acquire enough resources to survive for 1 week without anyone's help whatsoever.


Prepare yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually:

  • Think about why you want to start prepping again and make a silent promise to care for yourself and your loved ones for the time you specified when you set your goal.
  • Check with your doctor first and then begin a light exercise routine. Ensure your diet is appropriate. When you need motivation, remember the silent promise you made to yourself and loved ones.
  • There's a sacred triangle for the mind, body, and spirit. If you are not spiritual, then this does not apply.


Research / secure information, resources, and training:

  • Begin researching what is required to achieve your goal. Find notable and trustworthy sources of information.

  • Be realistic. When securing resources, start small to achieve your goal and have a responsible budget.

  • Research credible training in your areas of interest. Budget courses into your overall plan's timeline.


Final notes:

  • Be yourself. Becoming a prepper doesn't mean you have a negative outlook on life or are crazy.
  • Have fun. There's some really cool stuff out there that you can find when looking for sources of information and resources.
  • Stay on track. Take notes, make lists, and prioritize your prepping.
  • Maintain privacy until you are confident that the people you decide to tell about your newfound hobby or way of life can be trusted if things get really, really bad.
  • If you want to set higher goals, add in items such as without electricity, without water, without heat or air conditioning, or having to leave your residence.

Thank you fellow Steemians!

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I am not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise compensated in any fashion by these sources, however I am a humble Steemian who wishes to bring forth quality content in order to add value to our community.




Great post with valuable information. This is something everyone should be doing. We were within a few hours in 2008 of being in a very bad way. The unthinkable can never happen until it does. You said it best, "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst".

Thank you for your support sir. We can find motivation for creativity in many forms.

Shame on the producer of 'Doomsday Preppers'...this show was intended to make 'preppers' (or 'realists' as I prefer) look like paranoid fringe of society conspiracy theorists.

Sorry for the rant, your top image is from that show and brought that out. Keep up the great content @prep4shtf. I'm interested to see your take on the 'grey man'

Thank you sir! I will have to do some research and get back to you.

Good info bro. I do have a state of the art rain catchment system, it's called a pond. By the way you mentioned air conditioning. I live in a hot and very humid climate so any info you have for that would be much appreciated.

It's funny you ask about the lack of air conditioning because my brother-in-arms, @teotwawkiman just posted on this topic today. I recommend checking it out. If you can't link over to him, let me know and I will copy and paste the link for you.

Awesome, heading over to check it out now. Appreciate it!

Every beginner Prepper should read this! Great post! Definitely resteeming 👍🏻

Thanks for your support! :)

Great post and really inspiering info and important :0) thx for sharing. Followed

Thank you very much and the pleasure is all mine. Your comment made me smile.

Ur so welcome :0) the pleasure was mine too
this kind of info helps a lot of people. Thats a great thing.
I have started some preps but your steps really got me thinking.
Im glad I made u smile :0) one good deed today

Awesome post for the newbie preppers out there. I think some of the more seasoned ones can learn from this as well. Thanks for sharing @prep4shtf

Thanks a lot. I hope so and you're very welcome!

Great post brother! I also saw that post that you were talking about! Preppers come in all shapes and sizes, forms, and with different goals! Great explanation! And I love how people think we're crazy but who will be crazy when it all comes down to brass tacks! Lol. Great post Sir!!!

Thank you sir! Your support and comments are always appreciated.

Of course man. Love your stuff brother!

Step 2 is actually how I got started.
Lived very rurally, had a snowstorm, lost power, etc.
Took the county four days to plow down our road (had 6-foot snowdrifts on road) and I decided at that time... never again!

How long ago was that @goldendawne?

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Preparedness used to be something most people did by default. It has been too long since the Great Depression, and human memory is very short. The next collapse will be the "Greater Depression," and there will be no time for even quick studies. Either you'll be prepared and have better chances than others, or you won't be prepared and be screwed.

I hope my friends are paying attention and preparing. Time is running short. I'd rather be prepared in advance than not, and I prepare in a way that doesn't cost me money. In fact preparedness saves you money by being frugal, gaining skills that save you money, buying in bulk instead of retail prices, etc. It's a good life style that everyone should adopt!

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