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RE: The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet: Day 0

in #prepping6 years ago

I am not sure what you exercise level is now, but people also need to factor in the fact that they will expend a lot more energy in a SHTF situation. When the power goes out, dealing with basic necessities goes up several notches unless you are lucky enough to already be completely off the grid. Most are in for a rude surprise.


Wise words. Unless we can get away with a hunker-down option, we will be expending more energy. So if this turns into an unintended diet, we'll know to pack away more food.

Funny: widespread obesity might actually save a lot of people from starving to death. I don't know of any prepper writer who's factored this in.

Obesity would only help if you have a good place prepared to hunker in place. Since my accident, (2007) I have gained a lot of weight because I move at about 1/3 to 1/2 speed. There is NO WAY, I could take off on foot. I don't think I would make it even if my legs worked properly. I DO NOT have the perfect place to hunker down, but it is well stocked, so I plan to just hunker in place.

There's lots of people like you, and there is a real case for bugging-in (as it's called.) For one: what if enough government survives to muster troops to keep people in place? What good would a bug-out location do if you're blocked from going there?

Also, if any ration scheme is set up it'll concentrate on the cities. So will law enforcement.

Really, bugging-out is only inarguable for a natural disaster like a hurricane or tornado. Thankfully, early-warning systems plus ordinary-folks sluggishness means you can bug out well in advance without getting stuck in a traffic jam. Thank goodness for "I'll take my chances" ;)

I have zero confidence of any part of government bothering to try to feed us. My hubby was a Marine and I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I am not very close to a good sized city. Not sure why this subdivision was built out here, but there are MILES of farm land, pasture land and trees surround us. All the lots are between 3/4 and 1 1/4 acres, heavy old growth hardwoods and every place has a fireplace. Lots of deer, rabbit and squirrels, a creek 300 ft from my house. Not perfect, but enough to work with.

Good for you.

Have you read the book "Lights Out" by David Crawford? It's centered in a Texas subdivision much like yours, tho' it's surrounded by ranch land instead of farmland.

No I have not. Thanks for letting me know about it. I'll see if there is a digital copy. I am vision impaired and can no longer read printed books.

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