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RE: Herbal Prep - The Fall Medicine Chest 1

in #prepper7 years ago

English version below

Merci pour ce partage inspirant!! Je suis aussi en train de faire mes préparation pour l'hiver! Je cultive plusieurs plantes médicinales dans mes jardins et j'en cueille plusieurs autres dans la nature. Personnellement je range mes plantes séchées dans des pots masson et je fais mes mélanges de plantes au fur et à mesure des besoins et des maux à soigner. J'ai déjà plusieurs macération et teinture mère en cours ou même terminées dans le cas de certaines plantes à cueillette printanière. Bientôt je vais avoir le temps de faire quelques recettes de baumes et sirop. J'adore votre rangement pour vos huiles essentielles!!!! Et je prends bonnes notes de vos références pour l'achat de contenants, cela va m'être utile l'an prochain! Encore merci et bons préparatifs! Je vais suivre votre série sur le sujet!

Thank you for this inspiring sharing !! I am also doing my preparations for the winter! I cultivate several medicinal plants in my gardens and I collect several others in the wild. Personally I put my dried plants in masson pots and I make my mixtures of plants as needs and ailments to treat. I already have several maceration and mother tincture in progress or even finished in the case of some spring-picking plants. Soon I will have time to make some recipes of balms and syrup. I love your storage for your essential oils !!!! And I take good notes of your references for the purchase of containers, this will be useful to me next year! Thank you again and good preparations! I'll follow your series on this topic!


This is great that you are so well prepared!! You are one step up on me, I have not gotten any tinctures made yet this year, because we are revamping our RV kitchen. I needed to build a good counter space and work bench. Now it is almost finished, and as soon as we replace the fridge I will be making some shelves for storage.

I like to keep my herbs in mason jars too :) They stay nice and fresh this way...though there are some that do better in brown paper bags, as they like to breath like bulbs.

I will probably not get to begin my base tinctures until fall, so far behind, but I will catch up :) I see weeks of solid prep in my future...I hope you post on your preps too!!

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