Food Prep - Making Peach Tart Filling

in #prepper7 years ago

I am coming in a bit late to peach season, but being up so high there are still some really nice ones. So yesterday, I made some peach tart filling...

Most people I know make sweet peach jam, and I do too...but tart filling always comes first here :)

Peach Tart filling 1a.jpg

Preparing Peaches

I usually score the non stem end of peaches, then blanch them just like tomatoes. The skin slides right off, no hassles.

Next, for tart filling

I put 2 T of citric acid in a bowl, and add about 2 cups warm water to melt it in...(this is for 10 lg peaches, so figure 1 T c.a./ 1 C warm water for every 5 large peaches)

Peach Tart filling 1b.jpg

Cut the peaches (I just slice and pull away from pit), being sure to remove any marks or bruises. Then chop them up sure to run a finger over the inside edge to feel for any bits of pit still attached. It is rare, but you want to cut them off if you do find any.

Peach Tart filling 1d.jpg

Drop the chopped peaches into the bowl of citric acid water...and mix

If you are making very large batches, you can prep all of your peaches in the morning, and let them sit in the citric acid water. So long as they are all canned by the end of the day you are good.

Peach Tart filling 1e.jpg

Prepare jars

Once jars are ready...

Measure out 7 - 8 cups of peaches into cooking pot (including the c.a. water)

Peach Tart filling 1f.jpg

Mash them a bit in the pot, then add 1 T lemon juice, and 8 T dry pectin

Bring to a rolling boil...stirring frequently

The Butter Controversy ;)

You can either stand there and skim off the foam, or add a pad of butter.
A pad is about 1/2 T... I always add the butter, because it tastes strange to me without it, but that is the way my grandmother and great-grandmother always made it... If you are vegetarian, by all means...skim away!!

This, is what it looks like with butter...

Peach Tart filling 1i.jpg

Once they are at a nice rolling boil, add in 5 - 6 cups sugar, all at once

Peach Tart filling 1h.jpg

Mix the sugar in until you know it is all melted, then bring to a rolling boil again. Once it is at a strong rolling boil, let it roll for 1 minute...time this.

As soon as the minute is up, turn off the heat, and then move the pot to your canning area. I like to let it sit a few minutes, then mix once and fill the jars.

Peach Tart filling 1k.jpg

Peaches are water bath processed...up at 9000 ft it is about 30 minutes, but I think at sea level it is 10 - 15 minutes.

We use peach tart filling, in tarts of course, but also in;

  • cookies
  • muffins
  • as a tart jam
  • on ice cream
  • we cook pork using this as a glaze

There are so many ways to use is almost a staple for us...

Peach Tart filling 1j.jpg

Things to consider as a prepper

Storing survival food is awesome, but knowing how to can and dehydrate your own food is really the most important in the end. If we do have an economic could last for many survival food is a great thing to have on hand, to get you through until you can grow fresh foods and can or dry them.

Knowing How to cook from scratch, and How to prep for food storage is just super important...

Thank you for reading :)...I hope you enjoyed!

This is a {Steemit Original} All words and photos by Elew

To read my other Food Prep posts...


Oh my come winter morning with a fresh biscuit sound like a nice future meal!
Yup prepping is a must...

Yep :) I cannot wait for winter once I start canning :D We will be so grateful then though, for the fruit...

Yes it is...for emergencies the storage food is great, but you know...long term it runs out and then what? I did see a few preppers in Houston, when the rescue boats got there, they were like, 'no, we are good'...and they would send them down the road to others who were not prepared. It was good to see...

Yup lots of preppers in the south because it is just common sense that things happen...

Yum that sure looks good elew! I should of ate b4 looking tho lol
and then weetreebonsai had to mention a fresh biscuit lol

Haha, I know, right? I kept that half jar in the fridge, so you know tomorrow I have to make biscuits. I'll be dreaming about them tonight I bet...I always forget to eat while canning, because I am handling food all day.

hmmm scones and pancakes come to mind also for putting some that on lol
enjoy :-)

LOL Hmmm fresh homemade buttermilk biscuits and some of my strawberry jam I did up... Suck it up girls ;-)

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

Thanks! and you are very welcome :)

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