Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Richest of Them All - Happiness Mantra, PowerHouseCreatives Contest

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)

....maybe they'd like to be my friend?
I know my full upvote is only like 8 cents, but we can support each other?
Wink, wink, honk, honk.


What's up Steemians?

Last night (before you continue reading, I started typing this yesterday, but then my Steemit went error to blank page so many times) just before bed I read @arunava's posting how he could not leave any comments, and today as I browsed around Discord, people are questioning the same thing. Many cannot leave comments on Steemit front end, though no probs on alternative sites like SteemPeak for example. Are you having the same prob?

I am. At least I did when I read @acidyo's post on "What do you like about Steem?". I wanted to leave a comment, I got the error message. I thought to bug him on his Discord instead, but then, naaah, stop bugging people, TKF, you will get banned. lol

Then I saw @zord189's post for the ongoing contest for Happiness Mantra, and I thought, BOOM. That's what am gonna do. In a way or two, this is a way to reply to @acidyo's question.

You know how we have this slogan of "come for the rewards but stay for the community?"
I honestly believe in that slogan. Yes, not gonna lie, I did come first for the rewards, but then I got to know many, many, superb strangers. These strangers care for others, support others in any way and any meaning (some even got scammed, good gosh), some don't even want nothing in return, just genuinely caring. You need positive vibes, prayers, good thoughts, ears to lend, shoulders to cry on, these strangers rush to you. You need some funding/donations, these strange rallied to help you. (I literally stopped typing here, and took a break from trying to type on Steemit front end. I mean, I should have just typed on Words once learning Steemit went on and off, and caused headache :P)

So...in short, I lost my train of thoughts for yesterday, but as a start for my Happiness Mantra today, is this following line that was modeled by my littlest babe - he likes sleeping in his too big Steem shirt lol :) Whenever I come online, I have hope because of you, lovely strangers who believe in Steem AND the community, as much as I do. So I thank you for always showing up on my page. I try as much as I can to return the kindness. If I am being slow, just pull my hair to remind me, although not too hard though :)

I have shared it a couple of times that I love my library. It's like my happy place in the house. It's a library for myself, as it is only filled with cook books :P

Have you heard of Marie Kondo, queen of neatness?

Yeah am not too fond of her :P I mean, I love clean and neatness, for sure, and my books spark my joy, and yes, I do READ them all, because....I love foods :P So Collecting recipe books is only natural for me, and they do not have any cobwebs at all in fact, so I do take care my books :P

So whenever I am in my basement library and Marie Kondo's voice creeped into my head, I'd say:

Yep, I ain't limiting myself to only ONE mantra per day.

I have so many happiness mantras, actually. As a mother, I think majority of us tend to have tons of them hahaha You know raising kids take a village. These happiness mantra are great and gently reminder when the going seem tough, you know :)

That being said, Imma end this entry for the PowerHouseCreatives contest with the VERY important mantra to me, whenever I saw the house is like a shipwreck, where I feel like I just lost in the game of Jumanji, and that am not Snow White who can lure birds and rats to do the dishes and sweep the house clean. I take deeeeeeep breath, and say, "at least we create happy memories with all these mess".

Share me your happiness mantra on the comment, would love to read them! :)

See you tomorrow again xx

Vote Witnesses!

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If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits


You could have been my mother! She had nine kids and a clean house, but, when i got a little messy because she took us all ice skating on the pond all day or sled riding on the golf course, or to the zoo with the neighborhood, or a picnic... life is too short to NOT have fun.

If this is stress here, leave! This is supposed to be fun. And it is. Oh, my personal mantra?

Let the sun shine in on your life, so the joy may touch your soul



my house is totally messy 98% at the time :P

am just glad i have a very understanding husband. one time i took a picture of a clean house and messy house, and sent it to him and said "sorry, the house was clean 5 mins ago, sorry you missed it" lol he got a good laugh :)

Our kids deserve a happy mum, except for the hoarding cook book I totally relate, and the little princess made the blog whole with her steem shirt haha
Happy weekend dear

I knew that ...... sorry 🤢

LOVE this post and Steem's new kid ambassador ((':

Amidst the difficulties Steemit faces, I'm thankful of how you've recounted the immaterial blessings from being here 💕

hi! hows going? :) thanks for visiting!

Great we are, what about ?
Nice Quotes

Ha ha... what a perfect mantra. @thekitchenfairy. So true.

glad you think the same!

Creo que todos llegamos aqui por lo mismo, en un principio por lo economico, pero luego nos enamoramos de la plataforma, de sus gente, hacemos amigos y pasamos ratos divertidos , saludos desde Venezuela.

so true :) just like both of us, we keep visiting each other, regardless our language barrier :)

hugs to you Mama :)

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True happiness, bliss...

You are too precious! Loooove this post @thekitchenfairy. I would imagine you are an amazing mom, full of tons of love, fun and creativity. Your kids show it in their faces. Wonderful mantra....and btw you have a library of cookbooks? Oh my goodness, that is amazing. I would love to visit your library! So special!!!

come on over! its not just a library btw. on left wall to the ceiling is the library, 6 book shelves. on the right wall is full with baking pans, vintage, new and whatnot, plus tons of candy molds and baking tools :D

A Chefs paradise :) Wow! I love reading cookbook!!

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FANTABULOUS Power House Creatives family!
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❤ MWAH!!! ❤

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