Power House Creatives Contest


Granny was grumpy, so grumpy she did not even meet me at the door. Instead, she was sitting at her table knitting socks as I let myself in.

There were socks everywhere. Socks on the table, socks on the counters, socks hanging over the faucet knobs, socks on the stove, socks on the TV, on the door knob, covering her bed and the stairs to the attic.

I had to ask. "Granny! What are all these socks for?"

"I am giving them out for Halloween you dummy. What do you think?"

"Granny, kids do not want socks for Halloween, they want candy. What is wrong with you?"

"Good, then maybe they won't come around next year. I have always hated Halloween."

"What?! I thought you liked Halloween! You always made those cool costumes remember? Remember the time you knitted me that fabulous ostrich costume?"

"Yes indeed I do. That is exactly why I am so grumpy. I was cleaning out the attic and I found that stupid costume that cost me an entire month to knit."

"Oh I would love to see it again! Maybe my son will wear it."

"Too late. Where do you think I got all this yarn?"

Here's my entry to PHC's weekly contest https://steemit.com/community/@zord189/powerhousecreativescontestthemostdangerouswritingcontestcontestdetails-ctd34w915y

This is the first time I ever used the most dangerous writing app. I had several false starts before I got the hang of it, but the story finally started to make sense with this one. Here's a screen shot so you can see I used the app:

I did clean it up a bit, I confess! But I did not change any words or meanings except to take out the final line I had written. I don't understand how to tell when you're done writing, and set my own timer so I could tell how much time I had left.

All images are my own unless otherwise stated.


Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png



A clever lttle tale with a grumpy granny, a loada socks and a chuckle at the end. Now what more can you ask of a story? Love it!

Thank you! That app is a lot of pressure, but boy does it get the creative juices flowing! SO MUCH FUN!

I used that app only once some time ago for a freewrite and swore I'd never use it again!

It's diabolical!


The ending is superlative!!!
The dialogue, the narrative, everything is perfect!
This - this -
"Granny, kids do not want socks for Halloween, they want candy. What is wrong with you?"

"Good, then maybe they won't come around next year. I have always hated Halloween."
If this was a contest, I hope you won!!!!

I got an honorable mention, but not the big prize. It was a brilliant piece of writing if I do say so myself, and such a rush to use that app. You HAVE to think of something immediately, not 1/4 of a second later, so you don't think at all, just watch the story take place. I was but the messenger! True high art!

And truffle was the only entity that noticed.

If I've done my calculations right, that .65 stu should show up in my wallet at payout as around 1.6 in steem and another 1.6 in sp. To arrive at this figure, I multiplied my half of the rewards, or.65, by the current .649 ratio of USD to SBD and got .42185. Then I divided that by .130, the current ratio of steem to USD. This is my latest formula for predicting what the steem and steem power I actually receive will approximately be. That is some arcane math they do to figure out what we finally get in our wallets and I've been trying to understand it for months. This mathematical mystery I WILL SOLVE. Truffle is not the only entity I have asked this question of, and I have yet to receive a response. Maybe one of the mathematical whizzes among the witnesses will care to explain it to me someday and save me all this trouble. Which I enjoy. Just one of the many ways I spend time on steem to no financial gain of any kind, but you can't put a price on amusement.

You deserve more than an Honorable Mention.
This is a great story!
The numbers make my brain freeze over, but I hope the numbers start adding up for you.

Loved this! I would love to get those grumpy granny socks for Halloween!

Loved this! I would love
To get those grumpy granny
Socks for Halloween!

                 - melinda010100

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you! It was really fun to write.

Brilliant! You managed to get such a rich story in such a short amount of time. This makes me think of my own granny as she made many of our costumes as children, and I still have one pair of socks that she knitted me that I hardly wear because she is no longer around to knit me more. This certainly put a smile on my face today! Thank you!

Oh that's such a sweet comment, thank you

Love knitting! It actually calms me down and brings me peace! Good luck on the contest!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 24 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 3 SBD worth and should receive 162 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

It's always a pleasure when you stop in! Did you read the note I left you on your comment to this post? https://steempeak.com/freewrite/@owasco/climber-a-freewrite
Here, I will reproduce it for you so you don't have to go hunt around for the comment:
I totally agree! I write great original stuff off the cuff with the help only of a couple of prompts. Then I edit it. Then I proofread it and proofread it again. Then I choose, crop, tinker with and upload a photo that I took myself. Then I make sure to give credit wherever credit is due. I hit publish and start the mad scramble to get it noticed - I'm my own marketer too. I do all this work and does anyone notice? The answer to that is YES! This thing has been resteemed four times. It has gotten ten human readers! But does it make any steem? nope. All this talk about quality being rewarded and I haven't even made a quarter on this. OK OK, I know I still got to surprise the hell out of myself by writing a really good story, one that is tight enough to get the attention of a bot like yourself that can see it is well constructed, has careful and adept grammar. The story also has a true surprise ending (read the comments to see what people were thinking as opposed to my brilliant twist ending) an ending that rivals even a @felt.buzz ending. People who read it genuinely liked it because these are folks out there doing exactly the same kind of work I am doing and racking up quarter after quarter, being careful to stake it all back into the steem system that is making others rich. OK not rich maybe, but rich in steem and power on steem. There are days I feel like I am doing all this mostly to benefit an elite techno-savvy math-minded gambling class. My work, after all this, goes up in smoke in a couple of days but the money makers get to keep their money. It gets a bit demoralizing to have to work this hard (writer, editor, proofreader, photographer, lay out, publisher, marketer) for next to nothing, except of course for visits from my dear readers who keep me sane. I'd like to express my endless gratitude to everyone who actually reads my stuff.

Hey, I know I am talking to a bot, but thanks for giving me the opportunity to get all this off my chest.

And if you would please convert 3SBD to STU so I can better understand how my predicted final award should look I would appreciate it, Today I got 39.210 sp for my half of a 16 stu and try as I might I do not get the math, let alone what an SBD would look like in the "rewards" field. Thanks so much for being such a big help.

Ah, yes, you're adept with math. How could I have forgotten?
The mathematically daunting comment above just reminded...
Maybe you know how to delegate SP (not just wallet transfer of steem dollars, but delegating steem POWER). I've been trying for days, but get hung up at GitHub every time. Download a desktop app, end up in GitHub...why....why...

Hi @carolkean! I`m here to help :) If you want to delegate, please make a comment (for example replay to this one) like this:
I want to delegate X sp to @user
Where X is the amount of SP and @user is the steem user you want to delegate to. For example:
I want to delegate 100 sp to @owasco
@tipU will answer with a delegation link. Hope this helps!:)

what if I want to delegate SP to a new Steemian? For real:

I want to delegate 50 sp to @mvkean

Can you get past me not finding the password to my Active Key?

Thank you, @tipU and @fitinfun (if you get tasked with this one) and @mariannewest for gifting a new Steemit account to @mvkean!

Hi @carolkean! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:
steemconnect 50.0 SP delegation to @mvkean.

You can easily delegate to anyone at your wallet in steempeak, @carolkean. Just go there, login, and you will see it. This is the program I use to browse STEEM now. Much better than steemit.

The catch is that it always asks for the password to my Active Key...
which I somehow may have stumbled across last night after tipu sent me a differnt link to start from. Thank you Sharon!

You're welcome, @carolkean. I use keychain to login in to all the dApps. Much easier.

I do it on steempeak and it's super easy. What do you use? I;m going to steemit now to see if I can figure it out.

I can't see how to do it through steemit.

@mariannewest informed me "not from Steemit. You do it from steemworld"
and now for the scary part...
I tried to SteemConnect desktop app, and then Steemworld, and stalled out at the same point:
Active Key not Postit Key and Password for active key isn't saved in Chrome.
{{ screams of anguish }}
I should have printed it out and locked it in the safe.
How could I be THAT DUMB
I used the Active Key a few months ago when @carlnash showed me how to Power Up (and thereby got my voting power up to a whopping 2-cent upvote).
**What have I done with my life???????

Haha! I laughed so hard! That is really a grumpy granny! And so lifelike too!

Great job!

You can do this! The stories are always a surprise even to me. Love that app, but I haven't dared use it again yet. What if I can't think of anything to say? It's like being on a roller coaster, you have no control but still this event takes place.
Most of my stories have had a grumpy woman in them. I'm starting to take it personally lol.

Hahahahaha! That's one grumpy gramma! Those darn socks!

Well, yeah, people have other things on their minds than their grannies, usually. Priorities. You can't neglect things of knitting and hope for a smile all the time ;)

@owasco - loved this! You did great, I've tried the app a couple of times, lots of pressure and you never know where it's going til it gets there, lol.

Where do you think I got all this yarn?


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