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Are our bodies merely vessels comprised of skin and bone with which we “randomly” roam, or are they symbolic representations of our soul? I am inclined to lean toward the latter. Yes, we leave it all behind when we “depart” but does that make our physical / materialistic expression / demonstration during our “living years” any less worth-filled? - I don’t think so.

Much like an artist (of any kind) represents their emotion or expression through their individual style, I view people’s “materialistic parade” in much the same light.

Often our literal voices fail us, so we (often unintentionally) make use of creative alternatives…much like “heroes” on the games people play. Their costumes, armour and demeanor “show” you who they are and what they stand for – without them having to “introduce” themselves.

I have always been a lover of jewelry - and by jewelry, I mean lots of rings, lots of bangles and lots of necklaces… normally of Indian / Eastern / Alternative influence. This in general, has always raised an eyebrow or two…but WHY? I don’t give you a sideways glare with your “blue…EVERYTHING” or your “gold handbag and horribly (in my opinion anyway..hehe) matched neon pink scrunchie! – Just leave me and my bangles alone please!

I am who I am- and if I choose to wear one bangle for every mood that passes through my being on a daily basis (and I am a Gemini… so it is many – haha), or if I choose to add symbolic tattoos to my body… then SO BE IT!


Personally, I LOVE people who express their personalities (aka: souls) through their dress style and other creative means. The more interesting the attire - the more interesting the personality. (For the most part anyway – not forgetting that every person’s definition of “interesting” is unique.)

What we choose to “clothe” ourselves in is literally a VISUAL representation of what is on the inside. In fact, not only does it depict our actual personalities and characters, but also our moods, emotions and pretty much everything else that we often don’t “vocalize”.

Like our “virtual hero’s” have talents and abilities, SO DO WE – therefore – it is no wonder we choose to express ourselves visually as such. Colour, shape, texture, touch, smell, feel…. – ALL OF IT – carries a specific and unique vibration, energy and thus, effect, on its recipient. These are the silent indicators which attract us to one another. They are the “soul advertisers” – so to speak – and without many of us even being aware of it, we “promote” ourselves in this way because we are meant to.

This is how we fulfill our purpose. No different to any other animal, we send out our signals and we get the relevant responses.

So… Whoever you are and HOWEVER you choose to express / represent yourself – go ahead and do it! Do not be ashamed of it or what other people think of it. Their path is not yours and never will be (and vice versa) so never sacrifice your own charisma because “someone” doesn’t understand you/it.

The person/people who are meant to… will.


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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I think you are correct Jaynielea! People completely change and dress and behave to what is socially acceptable. But they shouldn't.

agreed :) Thanks for stopping by to give your input x

I just wonder why don't you vote for the people in your comment section?

because unless I am going to give a vote over 50% it will essentially be a dust vote and wont count for anything. So, when I feel a comment is WORTH an upvote, I will open the profile of the person who commented and will vote one of their posts. It simply makes a LOT more sense. Hope that clears it up for you @mejustandrew

This makes sense, I forgot about that threshold. I would at least give 1% vote to people who kinda deserve to have their comments above the bots level :)

Your SP would be better spent elsewhere. I also think people prefer receiving vote on their posts. When it comes straight after my reply - they can do the math ;)

honestly I left this place long ago and I don't even know where to spend my voting power. In the past this account used to be worth plenty of money, but right now it barely can give 1 cent per vote...

If I may make a suggestion - jump on board the @steemterminal. Here is their discord link:

You will find the most AMAZING individuals there such as @xcountytravelers, @thekittygirl, @brittandjosie, @wesphilbin and many others who are geared to inspire and steer in ALL the right directions. :)

They will make this space and your journey within it a LOT more pleasurable!

Indeed love the shout out and @mejustandrew we will help you with open arms

All of us are the sum of our pasts and desires for the future, and we each have our own story as to how we go to where we are today. Some of them are good, some suck, some are interesting, but none of them are boring.

Part of that story is definitely visualised in our physical representations. My father - who worked on farms his entire life - spent his entire life wearing work clothes and smelling like a barn. I kid you not. To this day the smell of a barn reminds me of him.

Every day even the clothes we wear are meant to express a sentiment: "I'm a serious business man," "I'm a busy mom who barely has time to shower but I still take pride in myself," "I'm too lazy to put on clothes today" (that's me), but my wardrobe is still full of button down shirts, vests, and suspenders, because I think they're snazzy. Every piece is a decision.

OMG I didn't realize I had to dress myself from the inside out! lol thanks jaynie!

@jaynie - so true, I've always been a "to each his own" kind of person and I have no problem admiring or appreciating someone else's form of expression even though it wouldn't be my own way. It'd be a boring world if we all marched to the same tune.

"to each his own" kind of person

Likewise! It makes the world a fascinating place :)


Posted using Partiko Android

This shows that you are a strong and brave person, and you're never going to be found cowering somewhere, afraid of what's outside the door. Yours is also the right attitude to have to insure you remain happy and engaged with life.

Question: Is a bangle the jewelry that you wear on your head with the jewel hanging down on your forehead?

aaaaah what a lovely thing to say and thank you for the positive vibes @free-reign :)

A bangle is a bracelet - so, worn around the wrist :)

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