Individuality Ignited...

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)


When I was younger, my mom always told me I was really good at ”picking up strays” - and she was not referring to pets lol! If I am honest, I guess she was not entirely wrong. I have ALWAYS gravitated to the individuals who are slightly more ”off centre” - I suppose their spirits speak louder to me! There is a particular energy which eccentrics and out of the box individuals carry and I find this incredibly attractive and intriguing – probably because I simultaneously recognise similar facets within myself.

Forever a square peg in a round hole – something which I have become comfortable with as the years have passed, because I realise that when a person holds a “particular” type of individuality, you will soon see that they are the one’s who grab the *bull by the horns”- They are the carefree, the passion filled – the souls which break conformity and draw their own lines – which are seldom straight! I love people like this because they are my people!



Yes, I can sit at a million venues, with a hundred people - discussing their jimmy choos and yacht trips the weekend past, but at the end of the day none of these interactions leave me feeling fulfilled. I honestly have about as much time for arrogance and pretention as a cat has interest in swimming. I want the REAL DEAL!!

I have an inherent trust in the way life unfolds. Yes, I make my choices and do the things I wish to – but when the ball is rolling I let it roll. I am often dubbed as anti-social because I don’t like ”small talk” - what people thought of this used to bother me, but it doesn’t anymore. If I don’t want to subject myself to a circumstance or person which does not interest me – I no longer will.

I care ONLY to engage with the people which ignite my soul! The exchange of energy is mutual - and it is amazing how when you are honest enough with yourself to not only acknowledge this but to put it into practice that suddenly your world starts to fill with the people that speak the same language as you! - It is a beautiful set of fireworks!


People should be prouder of their individuality but this is not the case in our society today. We follow "influencers" (who the fnck are these people anyway and how did they earn their title?) How are they influencing us?

There is a female "blogger" that has her visual ads all over Facebook promoting her book about a "new way to blog" - essentially it is all about how to become an "overnight success" as a blogger, because apparently this is what she has achieved. If you look at her website there is no blog, only the advertisement for her book. If you look at her feed, there is nothing other than the advertisement of her amazing knowledge of blogging and her book which costs less than a Starbucks coffee "Whoopee"!!!!... but nowhere can you find any of her actual blogging. Unless of course you consider her doing a 3 minute Facebook video of putting lipstick on an actual blog.

People need to wake up! "These" are the people who are "shaping" us - and it is nothing more than a marketing ploy. How this is not obvious to most is beyond me!

If "individuality" was something that became praised versus being sheep then perhaps the trend would shift! Start showing the world the REAL aspects of our lives instead of pandering to the habits of such shallowness. An unikely wish I realise, but hey - there it is! As for me - I will continue to be me - attracting and enjoying the "strays" in my life! I would not have it any other way. I have no interest in a "picture perfect" world. I like AUTHENTIC! - you know, when the personality dictate the clothes and not the other way around lol - I will let our Jack Parow take care of the rest lol ;)



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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All I can say is amen sister! Great words of wisdom, we have to live a life being real!

Whahaha! Those FB ads annoy me, too! Clickbait! Well said...and with Jack Parow!! 😂

‘ Yes, I can sit at a million venues, with a hundred people - discussing their jimmy choos and yacht trips the weekend past, but at the end of the day none of these interactions leave me feeling fulfilled. I honestly have about as much time for arrogance and pretention as a cat has interest in swimming. I want the REAL DEAL!! ‘

So true but I also want that next to the real deal just to keep me grounded.
And I had strays in the past and the hurt me so that combo of the two is the best in my opinion and life and it worked out

There is far too much on fb that is "much about nothing".

Well said, @jaynie. It’s really all about what’s in the heart of a person that makes them interesting. 💕

So much truth. Why do people promote themselves if it’s all about selling an empty package and they have nothing of substance to provide? Ugh.

Love you @jaynie 💖🔥💖🔥💖🙏

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I can't agree with you more @jaynie. People watch Housewives this and Kardashians that, I wouldn't give these people the time of day. Take me back to the good old days!

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a great video.
I hear ya!

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