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RE: Venezuelan Presidential Address: "Grass Is Good"

Greetings, Quill
You finally did it. Congratulations, you got that off your chest. Now I will finally meet you in person. I'm sure as soon as they read this, they will have you shipped over here to substitute (Clap Freddy) Freddy Bernal in the How-to-feed-the-people-you're-starving-yourself Ministry.

In Sep 2017, Bernal came up with the Plan Rabbit (I'm not making this up, and I know I've been writing a lot about rabbits in the shape of Tío Conejo. As I have repeatedly said, the chavistas has made it really difficult for humorists to come up with jokes. Those mother f... are living jokes).

“Nos han enseñado que el conejo es una mascota bien bonita, pero el conejo visto desde el punto de vista de la guerra, una coneja pare aproximadamente diez, doce conejitos, al final se crían ocho. En dos meses y medio tenemos un conejo de dos kilos y medio”.

("They have taught us that the rabbit is a very pretty pet, but the rabbit, seen from the war perspective, a females rabbit gives birth to approximatey 10, 12 littel rabbits, 8 survive in the end. in 2 and a half months we have a rabbit of 2 1/2 kg").

When medicines became impossible to find or afford, all government officials started to replicate the message that we did not need pharmaceuticalproducts, that we had the equivalent to all medications in our plants (which may be partly true, but you can guess the consequences of a state-run innitiative such as this). People were encourage to grow their own medicines. End of the medicine crisis!
In the meantime, they keep having a ball and becoming balls

PS. I am working on a long translation right now,but if it is ok with you I can have your post translated by tomorrow. I think that our spanish speaking Steemians should have a taste of Quill sarcasm



Henrry ... this post is dedicated to you brother. And a translation ... I will edit my post and include the hyperlink at the top.

Plan Rabbit ... you know, that's actually pretty smart. Why? Because you don't even need a farm ... they're small enough that one could raise them in an apartment's bathroom. And why not? Without water, it's not like you guys are taking long baths. Plus, you could use the rabbit hides to make mitts and sell them to the Colombians to generate a little extra cash. Colombians love mitts.

Keep your hands warm in the jungle while protecting against snake bites.

The ultimate in sleek and sexy fashion accessories for you in your bikini.

These guys are always thinking.


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