Power House Creatives (@steemitbloggers) is Looking for a Few Good People!steemCreated with Sketch.

Last week, I'm sure you saw the name "Power House Creatives" around the community, generally in connection with @theycallmedan's 10,000SP Delegation Contest.

Perhaps you've also seen their logo at the bottom of my posts for more than a year... I have had the good fortune to be part of this small but dedicated community almost since its inception here.

Now Accepting Applications!


Power House Creatives — formerly known as Steemit Bloggers ( @steemitbloggers) is NOT like most Discord "support groups," which are little more than "upvoting circle jerks" that inevitably end up with hundreds of people asking for votes, and few people giving votes. Trust me on that — I have been part of a lot of them!

PHC is a true Community, built and managed under the watchful eyes of long-time Steemians @jaynie and @zord189.

It is a "closed" community in that membership is by application and invitation only. We use this approach to help maintain a very high standard not only of content attached to the PHC name, but also to ensure a very high level of commitment from each member of the community.

Looking for a Good Fit!

I can think of at least a couple of dozen people among those who are regular readers here who would be a "good fit" for Power House Creatives, based on what I have seen you post, and how much you engage with the greater Steemit community.

If the idea of becoming part of a strong support system for those who believe in creating — and supporting — content of value sounds appealing to you, please consider applying.

PHC is not for everyone! So I would suggest you go read @jaynie's more detailed post about who we are, and what you can expect.

There's a link to the application form at the bottom of that post.

Or — if you're feeling more ambitious — here's the direct link to start the process!

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

PHC Logo

(As always, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit. PHC logos used with permission.)
Created at 190206 13:58 PST



You are right on that.
I want to fulfill my part and be useful and happy doing it.
I kept on reviewing making sure I get everything right.
Like you mention principles are good for everyone that follows.
Keep on postin

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've already joined into their discord server a few weeks ago. But didn't applied to become a member of their communnity yet. In fact, because I am not so much optimist that my extravagant content and heretic style of writing will float their boat as to be able to qualify. };)

But above all, maybe because I'm afraid I am too stubbornly rebellious to follow rules. And in consequence, I feel unable of have to change my wacko manners at any time to please everyone.

However, I'll keep an eye on them. :)


Oh, I think your content would float the boat just fine... we have marvelous and unusual thinkers like @wales in our flock. But yes, there are some "daily things" we all do, as part of making the community work... and I well recognize such structures don't sit well with everyone.

Yep! haha, basically about those "daily things" & 'duties' I was exactly referring to. ;)

Hard to me now, at these heights of my life, quit to stay flapping around like a crazy free bird.

Welcome aboard @steemitbloggers / Power House Creatives ..

I hope posts like this one and @jaynie's might encourage a few new people to join our little community!

yes... so nice to watch the group grow.

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I agree with everything there! Love the quality of content that I read from community members, there's always room for more :)

howdy sir denmarkguy! Wonderful post and I couldn't agree, more. I hope you gathered some more members. well done sir!

Wonderful post to promote the PowerHouseCreatives community! Great job on this one, and kudos to you for helping to get the word out! 😃

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