Family visits...

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago


Family visits for us are long intercontinental plane trips from Europe to Australia... Which with kids, can be a real test of the nerves and the relationship of the pants! Thankfully, this time...the little one was older and could keep herself a bit occupied with the movie and games, which meant that it was a completely different experience to the 20 hours of screaming and crying from the three previous trip!

However, once we are in Australia, our families are pretty spread out, so it still quite a vast amount of travelling by plane and car within the country. This time, it was even more than usual as we had a family reunion slag birthday party in Northern New South Wales then a visit to relatives further north in Queensland, followed by a three day drive back down to Canberra.


For the kids, it has been a great time of rediscovering cousins and extended family. I think we haven't seen much of our oldest one as she has been all day every day playing with her long lost family members! It is also the sort of trip where the girls get spoilt crazy, where chocolate for breakfast seems to be a good idea...


It was nice to revisit Canberra, a place where I spent so much of life after school... And where I met my wife. It is one of my favourite places in the world, but this photo doesn't really do it justice. This is of an area that is being regrown after a devastating fire went through the town a few years back...


So many days spent in the car... But still there were so many perfect moments to experience. The combination of the land and family makes us incredibly homesick everytime... One of these times , it will likely pull us back...

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That's an incredible amount of driving @benjy. Driving between Northern NSW Sydney would have been the best part of the journey I'd imagine? I love that area of NSW this time of the year.

The lady does protest a little though: Not all Sydney is 'glitzy' ~ Some of the natural bushland areas around the harbour are incredibly beautiful. I do love to get away from the pace of Sydney's traffic though and Canberra is such a lovely contrast there. And the gallery is amazing. Some of the exhibitions there, like the recent Pre-Raphaelites, don't travel anywhere else, making a Canberra tip an absolute MUST. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

It was a great drive... although, there were many days of it! But it was nice to see the landscape again!

Haha... yes, not all of Sydney is 'glitzy' (I see you didn't refute the Melbourne part!)... it really is the city centre that I really don't enjoy quite so much. There are nice places, definitely... but it wasn't my favourite city in Australia... however, that is from someone who loves the boredom of Hobart and Canberra... and pre-mining boom Perth!

...but Canberra is my all time favourite!

Long family trips always have their ups and downs, but it's great that you got in all that visiting.

Thanks... yes, visiting relatives is not the most relaxing thing... but, it is still great to do! The kids especially love it!

I find the flight to Italy too long @bengy, I can't imagine how long it takes to get to Australia. Maybe one day. 👏

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Haha... it's a little bit further!

I sniff a bit of home sickness here my friend and great that you were re connecting with your extended family.

Yes.... every time we go back, the pull gets stronger and stronger... it is a hard thing to resist, but on the other hand... when we visit, it is really holidays... and real life isn't always like that!

Exactly right as real life certainly makes a huge difference.
But, my thinking is that if you can make it it one place, then you could certainly also make it anywhere else and there is no other place like home.


57 countries, but never Australia. It looks beautiful and Canadians and Australians seem to instinctively get along. One day.


Ha... yes, no requirements for the Foreign Legion here!... we've managed to not have wars on our own land... much smarter to have them elsewhere!

I can't even begin to imagine traveling such a long distance with little ones - the hour or two long car rides we used to take when our three were young were stressful enough, but being on a plane? I highly commend you and your wife on obtaining sainthood! 😂 😊

Sounds like it was an amazing experience, and...
traveller congrats.gif

Thanks! That is a pretty cool gif! This time was much easier on the plane. The previous time... I wanted to jump out... or maybe it would have been easier to throw the kid out...

The trip to visit the family is always a reason to get excited and to enjoy, the children are the ones who enjoy it!
P.S. What good pictures!

Thanks, the light is so different in Australia... even in winter, everything seems so much more full of colour!

What a great feeling to go home and touch base with your roots, Bengy. Thanks for taking us on the trip with you and your family.

Thanks, soon I will have more detailed posts... but whilst I'm travelling, it is hard to get much time to write!

Sounds fun. :)

Going home for me was never too much fun as it took forever!! I found that most people who think they will move back, do. Have fun while you were there!


Yes... we think we will eventually move back... but the problem really is that our kids think they are Dutch... and so it could be tricky... on the other hand, we would just move and they would survive!

Traveling with little ones can be so difficult but you're right as they get a bit older it gets much easier. I always packed a backpack full of "stuff" for them to do as well as a backpack of treats, lol This usually worked pretty well. Beautiful scenery @bengy, good times with family :)

Great idea! We packed stuff to do... but not a pack of food (we do do that when we have shorter trips...).

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