Chocolate Nation (Antwerp, Belgium)

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)

We just came back from our little getaway in Antwerp (Belgium) for the school holidays, and finding things that kids under the age of 10 would like to do is quite a challenge sometimes. Even more so, when the things that you were planning to come and see turn out to be closed for renovation or are just shut!

So, after some desperate Googling to see what we could fill our time in Antwerp, we chanced upon this Chocolate Museum called Chocolate Nation, which seemed to be a touch more appropriate than the Printing Press Museum or the Diamond tour... (...and this reminds me to post my earlier visit to the Chocolate Museum in Cologne, Germany... I have the photos ready to go... but haven't yet done anything with them yet!).

So, here are some highlights and photos from our trip to the Chocolate Museum.... was it like the book or the movie?

The Opening Areas

When you first enter the museum section, you are treated to a few rooms that have automated doors and an automated light and sound show in each to tell you all about chocolate and the manufacturing process. In fact, it feels really quite inspired by the Willy Wonka story! The colours are bright and the lighting and sound show is really amazing! However, it was a bit scary for my 2 year old, and so I didn't get very many good photos of this section as I was holding her tight and trying to keep her calm!

Luckily, at the end of the show in the first room, we were treated to these machines which dispensed handfuls of chocolate goodies! Taking a big handful (not big enough, as I later found out... ), made the process of keeping the young one distracted much easier....

Behold the magical Cacao tree that produces the magical chocolate elixir!

In this section we were treated to a description of the whole growing, harvesting and distribution chain, as told by the embedded television screens in the floor. It's quite a phenomenal supply chain that goes into the manufacture of quality chocolate!

In this last section, we were shown the manufacturing and refinement process... from bean to chocolate! Told in a very Wonka sort of way... but still very entertaining and informative!

The Learning Part

In the following section, there was a more educational area. There was no light and sound show this time... just the old-fashioned learning from TV screens!

There were also areas where you could watch some the chocolate being made... however, when we were there, there wasn't quite so much activity in these areas. We did attend one demonstration on making eggs and filled chocolates (which is quite an ingenious method!), however, out of politeness for the chocolatier, I didn't make photos of them without permission!

In this area, there were also some very nice wall art that had stories and educational narratives that you could listen to on your recorder (that you received at the entrance, in either French, English or Dutch). However, due to the fact that these elements were activated by tapping on a NFC transmitter... my little toddler had taken mine, and was busy tapping and collecting all the stories with the recorder... hence, I didn't learn much! However, my older daughter and wife told me everything they heard... one in English and the other in Dutch!

Additional Wall Art and Story Rooms

There were quite a few other story rooms... and additional pieces of wall art. Some of it lent a Wonka feel to the whole experience, whilst others were more practical displays of equipment and chocolate molds. This is a small selection from the photos that I was able to make!

The Icons of Chocolate

Okay... this bit was pretty amazing! The amount of effort and time that goes into making these masterpieces of chocolate art is just unbelievable! This area was definitely my... SECOND favourite... room! Well, I haven't got anything of worth to add to these photos... just that the castle one, was a few metres tall and took over 170 hours to complete! Just stunning!

Old Fashioned Chocolatier

There was a little room that was done up like a old fashioned chocolate and confectionery shop. In this room, they took the opportunity to showcase some of the historical icons of the Belgian chocolate industry. Some really nice old artwork and artifacts adorned the shop as well, again it was really quite interesting to learn about the history of the local industry.

The Tasting Room

Okay... anyone who tells you that this WASN'T their favourite room is a liar! This was the highlight of the tour, which was conveniently situated at the end of the tour! However, due to a mistake in our reading of the directions, we had visited this room in the middle... and then stopped by again for a second helping at the end!

Chocolate fountains are always a blast to see! There was one more in a dark chocolate, but that photo didn't turn out quite so well... so be satisfied with the milk and the fruit one! Sadly, these were behind glass... so we couldn't just stick our mouths under the warm liquidy goodness!

However, it didn't matter as there were quite a number of vats of melted chocolate for us to take tastings from! Ranging from the very dark to the milk and everything in between! They had labels that described the taste (much like a wine tasting....), as well as a short description of the process and the balance of flavours and types.

I had several favourites, but definitely the clear winner was the Gold one (a caramel/milk blend!).

... and after being shown once... our little girl got the idea... pull the lever, and chocolate drips out onto your spoon!

The Gift Shop

... and with the taste of all your favourite flavours still fresh in your palate (or in the case of our toddler, still smeared all over her face...), you are tempted by the gift shop! We managed to keep it within budget... but certainly, it is a very dangerous moment for your wallet!

Anyway, if you find yourself in Antwerp... definitely, come visit this museum. Chocolate Nation, it is right next to the Antwerp Central Train Station... it is a educational and entertaining (and tasty) way to pass a few hours! Top marks for presentation and chocolate!

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Honestly, until this post, I have never known chocolate museums exist at all.. lool Somebody who REALLY loved chocolate must off woke up one day and said I love chocolate so much I will make a museum in its honor. hehe

It seems like you had an amazing day in there as well. Were you tempted to just break the glass on some of them and take a bite? heheh lol I am sure they had problems with that before... lol

Thank you for sharing it with us, brother. Have an amazing day. :)

I think that's why they had the tasting stations! To remove the desire for chocolate!

This is my second chocolate museum! There are really museums for every little interest!

It looks amazing and I am sure it was a great Willy Wonka experience for you and your family. Did your tummy heart afterward after eating all that chocolate? :D

No tummy aches... But the little one was really disappointed that lunch afterwards was chocolate free...

What a beautiful museum. I can see it not being for kids really.

I lived in Antwerp for about a year in 1979, and the chocolate there is one of my best memories of the place. The weather - not so much :)

It was just the opening part that was a touch scary for them... But after that, they loved it!

Hi dear I love that you lived near by so you speak a little dutch 😉 @fitinfun

Ha ha! That's the way I feel when I see the silver stuff you get!

What a cool place. I'd go crazy in chocolate heaven. Excellent photos. 👍👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, chocolate heaven it definitely was! Luckily the portions were small and for tasting... Or there would be lots of face stuffing!

That's an amazing museum ! :O I love all the details they've put in their exhibits and the decor seems really wonderfully magical... Love how they use the lighting to generate that feeling of fantastical place :D

Must have been a real treat to visit such a place ! :D

They really did the lighting and atmosphere really well! The opening rooms are quite amazing... But I wasn't able to get many decent photos...

Looks like you came to the right place after all ;-) Impressive story around a really beautiful and impressive place.

OK, my favorite room would most likely have been the tasting room too. Although I have to admit, that I really like the chocolate art!

The chocolate art is good for one sense... But the tasting sense is much better served in the other room!

life is so unfair. These are the places I should be visiting more often. Take me with you on your next trip! I live in Australia now. LOLZ

Oh, which city do you live in?


This is probably the best chocolate museum that I've heard of. There are so many activities and I guess you don't get bored on the way. Well, you probably get sugar spikes but at least you won't be hungry, lol.

Those art pieces are stunning! I love those little people there :)

It's a pity that you didn't get much action where the chocolate was made but you still saw a lot!

I've been to Antwerp just recently and I didn't know about this museum so will probably have to go there again..

BTW, how is your Dutch? :)

It is a good one, not too long but very entertaining, and they have really done the lighting and show quite well!

Mijn Nederlands... Niet goed maar niet slecht maar te langzaam voor posten om te schrijven. Ik moet meer oefenen, maar bij mijn werk is het meestal Engels gesproken. Mijn kinderen zijn echte Nederlanders want ze in Nederlandse kinderopvang en scholen zitten.

Na ja, ik schrijf ook niet meer in het Nederlands :) Vroeger wel maar nu niet meer. Dat is echt cool! Dan kunnen ze jou ook Nederlandse lessen geven ;)

OMG you are an evil evil being! Shoving all that chocolate in my face. How dare you! }

:D I want to go there, those pictures, those sculptures, the everything, I would love to experience. But sadly I am too far away to easily visit. So Thank you (besides that awful) for showing me this . What a cool place!

Ha ha... It's a pretty amazing place... And the tasting stations are really well done, so that you get little tastes, rather than stuffing your face! The sculptures are pretty amazing though.

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