

I have a good friend, @hlezama, who lives in Venezuela. When I read his accounts, I am constantly reminded of Orwell's "1984." It's almost like they think the book was an exemplar ... a thing to be replicated!!!

They missed the point. :-)

Once the ideological lens is firmly in place, it becomes all-but-impossible for ideologues to be convinced that their self-evidently erroneous beliefs are wrong. Logic and evidence is of no use whatsoever. Ideology is a dangerous thing.


I haven't talked to a lot of people from Venezuela, but I've talked to a lot from China and central asia where they seem to like their dictators. They have no idea that it is holding the people back and cheer them for progress. Life was so miserable for most in these places before it happened, they are technically better off now. At least Venezuelans can remember better times and clearly know what it has done.

Perhaps most interestingly I've talked to and listened to several North Korean defectors. The North Koreans have taken it to next level, beyond what even Orwell considered possible.

These days defectors are barely even put on tv in the South because the current leftist administration here wants to promote peace at all costs and doesn't want to offend the dictatorship up north.

Apologists are the worst kinds of people and watching Trump and the South Korean President Moon shake and hug Mr. Kim while smiling and saying he is a good person while at the same time saying Maduro is bad makes me feel absolutely disgusted.

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Apologists are the worst kinds of people and watching Trump and the South Korean President Moon shake and hug Mr. Kim while smiling and saying he is a good person while at the same time saying Maduro is bad makes me feel absolutely disgusted.

I could not agree more. That's the sickening part of politics these days. Well, when I think about it, it has always been like that. Dictotors' goodness/badness is directly proportional to "national interests."
Maduro is a SOB and he and all his croonies deserve the world's despite, but the rejection of evilness should be expressed more coherently, i believe. The power houses of the world seem to be competing for the contradiction crown.

It's a difficult situation because Russia China and America are all deeply involved. Eventually, the government is just going to be protecting the oil and other resources for international interest if that isn't already what is going on.
I have no doubt that it is going to get more violent and more corrupt. Selling out to America is not pleasant, but compared to Russia and China it is a dream.
It's so sad because that country had enormous potential with all it's resources and being way closer to overseas markets than the rest of the continent.

Absolutely. It's a complex situation, but I think it is clear by now what each power house can do. The chinese and russians just made sure they'd own the country. Most of our current debt comes from murkey deals with china and russia. They could not care less if the money was put to the right use or if the programs had been properly executed. As a matter of fact, I think it was in their best interest that venezuela's corruption prospered.
In their minds and philosophies, the most ruined the country is the better and more easily controlable its people are.

I have no doubt who I would rather be exploited by.
I don't see caravans of people headed into China or Russia. At least some in america have altruistic views on assisting, if nothing else but to keep regional stability.

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