Never Tell Me You Cannot Afford It...The Importance Of Language And The Psychological Ramifications...

"I could never afford that"...

"The likes of us could never get the money together to do that or to go there or to buy one of those"...

"That's not the sort of vacation we could ever have"...

"Oh I could never study for a profession like that, I'm too dumb, old, short, young"...

Do you ever hear yourself making statements like this?

The language we use can have immense psychological effects on the life we live or more importantly on the success we can achieve. That is big, right? The words don't have to be spoken out loud either, negative dis-empowering thoughts repeated overtime can have a profound effect on our success or lack thereof.

Our internal voice that guides us can dictate that which we are able to achieve, or not as the case may be! Any limitations that we experience in our day to day lives are self imposed. Occasionally we see some expensive trinket, vacation or gadget that we would love but sometimes we see them in the store window and exclaim...

"I could never afford one of those!"


Words and phrases like this can act like self fulfilling cement...Once it sets it can not be changed, modified or altered in any way shape or form, unless we are willing to put in a tonne of work.

I will explain how I came to this view and what prompted me to write this post which issues a very stark warning...

Today I was looking at holiday resorts and vacation destinations for my families first vacation in a few years. We do not have a lot of money and although some people in the world who have very little would view us as wealthy, compared to the people in our community and country we are most definitely not. So I started searching on YouTube (ugghhh!) for reviews of the hotels in our chosen destination, Lanzarote. After a while my family joined in, enthused at the prospect of our first holiday abroad in many years, as so often happens when watching videos, the sidebar grabs your eye and your attention and we noticed some luxury holiday videos...We watched one, then another, then another and suddenly we were watching a video of a room that cost $25'000 per night and I said...

"Why the hell are we watching a video about something we can never, ever do, we could never afford to go there?"

Then it hit me! That is a very destructive, self limiting, zero possibility statement!

  • Can you relate to this?
  • Do you see yourself as poor or broke?
  • Is that likely how you will live your life?
  • In the same area.
  • In the same home.
  • Going to the same places.
  • Doing the same things.
  • Hanging with the same crowd.

Hmmm...There may be a problem with this picture.

One of the 3 questions above was a trick question. Poor and broke are not the same, let me explain...On second thoughts let me use a quote I read many years ago and after reading it, something clicked in my mind...


Robert Kiyosaki the author of the hugely successful rich dad books puts it this way

"Broke is temporary, poor is eternal."

What I am suggesting as I'm sure you have realised by now is that poverty or being poor is a state of mind, if you accept it and think often that you cannot do something or achieve something because you are poor then you are sending a constant reinforcing message to your subconscious mind that stops it from working on a better life plan full of possibility and opportunity. Many of us are broke at many times in our lives, out of cash until the next payday arrives or as Jim Rohn calls it...

"Too much month at the end of the money."

This is OK and can actually be normal, sometimes it just means your income needs to catch up with your lifestyle. Maybe you made a purchase and you need to take a few days of pain till you get back into the black and outta the red...

But maybe it is an indication that you need to look at your life anew and maybe make some plans.

The problem with this is that if you constantly tell yourself that you cannot do something or that you are stupid, poor, too old etc, this becomes reality and any effort to change your situation will be disastrous. After all you told your subconscious (the computer constantly running in the background that takes in all data true or false as fact) that the task at hand was not possible. So guess what, you set the goal and your subconscious reviews the data and decides it is not possible and sabotages your attempts.

But all hope is not lost!

All you need to do is start listening to the little voice in your head (or the big mouth on the front of your head) and as it makes a statement such as...

"I can't do that!"

Immediately say out loud one of the most powerful 4 letter combinations ever...

"I can!"


But don't stop there, elaborate, build a case for your subconscious to truly believe this new information.

"I can do this and I will. If other people can be successful then I can too. I will learn the skills I need to achieve any goal or challenge that I decide to put my hands and mind too. I am a strong confident person and I deserve success. I understand that problems and obstacles may stand in my way, I will tackle them, overcome them and be rewarded with the success I have worked so hard for."

you can use the phrase I have used or word it in a way that is comfortable for you, but whatever you do make it sound, powerful, confident and speak like an achiever. Compare the phrase I have written to the weak, lily livered lack of belief in the following statement of intent.

"I probably can't do what I have planned but I will try anyway and God willing, if I'm lucky and really try it might just work."

Pah! That is pathetic isn't it. I am sure the infinite, bountiful universe is gonna do somersaults and roll over for you to achieve all of your dreams, goals and aspirations with that stunning declaration of intent, right?

Here's another quote that explains it far more succinctly than I ever could...

"Whether you think you can or you can't you're right." Those amazing words were first uttered by Henry Ford.

Now far be it for me to try and improve on a quote that was made around a hundred years ago, but I think a better word to use than think is believe. Belief is key. You must have complete and utter supreme belief in the goals you set for yourself because without that absolute belief you will probably fail. Trust me, no-one can ever believe in you like you can, and even if they do, you must be the one to really motor forward towards your dreams and aspirations.

What have you got to lose by trying?

Let's try a better quality question...

What have you got to lose by NOT trying?


What is really at stake here...A rich, fulfilling life of endless possibility. A life that sees you able to fashion a plan down to the tiniest detail, follow through and make everything that you and yours have ever dreamed of a new reality. Wow! how amazing does that sound? I will ask the question again...What have you got to lose by not trying?

Whatever you believe about how we came to be on this little blue/green orb that we call home it is my sincere belief that we were put here to be all that we can be. I often hear people describing this planet as hell and I understand why they say that, I occasionally see the news reports or accidentally glance at a newspaper too! But I choose not to believe that we live in hell. I take a far more balanced view...I choose to see random acts of kindness, people coming together to do wondrous things, great acts of charity, I don't pretend the bad is not happening, that would be naive but I see both sides of human nature. When I see the bad it reinforces my belief that I will be a better man and not add to the dark repository of our world. When I see wondrous human endeavor or stories of unassuming heroes I resolve to try and leave my imprint on the world. If we truly aspire to be all that we can be, there is no more noble aim to leave a lasting legacy for others to learn from, to benefit from.

What is the best way to define a legacy? I will leave it to the creator of my Daughter's favourite musical (Hamilton) Lin Manuel Miranda as I like the way he puts it most of all...

"What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see"

A true and lasting legacy is any endeavor that is not solely for our benefit, something far bigger than our lifetime. It is something that outlives us and continues to enrich or nurture or aid in the betterment of others, long after we are gone. We live in an age of enormous financial divisions.

A few dollars to many is worth next to nothing while to some people from other, impoverished regions of the planet it could be the very difference between life or death. This makes it easier than ever before to create a global legacy to others and to the Earth as a whole. A legacy does not have to be quite so grand though, leaving money or even wisdom to your children, your Grandchildren or extended family is no less of a legacy.

Why have I taken a post about making more of your life and having greater ambitions for your future down the road of leaving the planet in a better state than you found it?

Simple! If we do not strive to be all that we are capable of we cannot ever dream of helping others. If we reach our goals we can have a truly amazing adventure touching the lives of others as we go. It is not essential to even want to impact the lives of others and for many people their own life is all that is important to them, there is nothing wrong with this...It is merely a matter of personal choice.

It is also absolutely fine to be happy with everything that you have right now and where you find yourself in life, after all the only standard that is important is the standard that we set for our own life. Living your life in a way that can impress others is a sure-fire recipe for disaster or at the very least unhappiness!

I just desire to be the master of my own destiny and fashion a life that is full of meaning that stretches me and has the potential to touch others who have less opportunity than I. I imagine this to give my life a sense of purpose, greater meaning and create a truly exhilarating adventure that I can feel happy and proud about as I look back on my deathbed.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to take life by the horns and shape it into what you want it to be. Fashion it into something wonderful, something fulfilling and something that makes you happy to jump outta bed in the morning eager to get back on with those goals safe in the knowledge that nothing can stop you.


I never fell into the "can't" syndrome. at a very young age I was surrounded by people who would never except an excuse under any circumstances. It was always how to move forward.
A retreat is nothing more than changing direction because the first direction was the direction.
Can't is nothing more then self defeat. You can not fail it you keep trying.

Oh man you should perhaps be a football coach!

That is incredibly empowering for a youngster to be raised in a culture of possibility, in an environment that asks "how can we make it happen?" rather than "That looks too hard and thinking makes my head hurt, lets think of something easy instead!"

Imagine if as a species, we all operated within that mindset?

We would be halfway around the galaxy by now, making connections with the natives instead of staying at home planning bigger nukes!

Thankyou so much for taking the time to share your thoughts, very happy you stopped by 😃

there will always be the people who want thing for nothing. We as a culture seem to be given into it.
No personnel responsibility and no consequences for our action to overcome.

We'd at least be planning the trip to Andromeda, I think


This is how I think, or at least Try to, all the time. The 'realities' get in the way sometimes but I continue to beat them back. I'm setting up to retire while I still have my youth and health, my need to deal with 'life' is holding up my Growth LOL!!!

Wow! Thanks for this post! I needed a reminder of this! Ever read books by Wallace Wattles? The Science of being Great / Well / Rich? I think you might enjoy his writing!

I love the quote “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it” -Paulo Coelho.. If you believe that then nothing can stop you 😉

I like how you mentioned in your affirmation “I deserve success” - I think so many people (myself included) don’t feel they are deserving..

I needed to hear this because too often I tell my kids they cannot have things because it’s too expensive or we cannot afford that and I really need to reassess my language around that because I’m planting negative subconscious beliefs not only in myself but in my children 😣

Thanks again for an awesome post 👏🏻

Yes. I love his work and I always love the name Wallace Wattles!

Loving the quote too it is powerful! I live on a diet of black coffee and awesome quotes, when we really see, hear and think about the words they can have a truly profound effect upon us..

You nailed it!!! The word deserve is super important (to me too!) I have struggled with that at many times in my life. The more we practice what we preach the more natural it should become, right?

I am so glad you popped by and left me a wonderful comment...comments are the juice of Steemit 😎

In the spirit of the post and not at all to sound like preaching lecturing...Yuck May i suggest that instead of chastising yourself and saying you are...

planting negative subconscious beliefs not only in myself but in my children

Simply think and say how you are beginning to use far more empowering, positive possibility enhancing, beiefs.

Great to catchup with you again, take great care and have fun along the journey 😎

EEEEK Sorry I somehow missed this reply! Thank you! You are right - there is no use beating one's self up about what you've done without thinking but to move forward mindfully, gratefully and aware is the only way forward <3

Congratulations @stevenwood, your post has been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. Issue 76

What does this mean for you? Well first an upvote from some members of the team, we are no @curie or @ocd but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Also each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the SBD generated from the curation post.

Keep up the great work and please consider supporting the @asapers with an upvote and/or a resteem on the post you feature in. Please wait seven to ten days for payout.

Your friendly @asapers

Giving back A.S.A.P

Read Me ASAP.png

P.S. We are our own worse enemies sometimes, I am glad you didn't let yourself talk yourself down. @insideoutlet

Any day @asapers stops by is an awesome day!

Thankyou my friend, it is great to have a little light shed on a post that felt like it took forever to write and one that felt important as I wrote. You @insideoutlet and the epic @shai-hulud are a shining example of how to go for your goals and have an amazing, sunshiney life and a beacon of light to those with perceived obstacles in their lives...

Oftentimes obstacles only become so after we allow them to be!

Thanks so much for bringing a smile to my day :D

I was reading this article, ant it occurred to me how great it was, then I'm like Wow, maybe it should be checked for the dreaded... (I won't say it!)

THEN I SAW the tags, and I realize that...

you are under the microscope already! 😎😎😎 So Steem ON, and maybe look around a bit? I'm filling up until I get more DELI-Gators, but if a writer of your talents would come in, I think🤔 we could find room for you in the Minnow Boot Camp.

Awesome post brother. I love reading anything about mindset and the power of our thoughts. You've nailed it down with this post.

The only limitations we have in our lives are those we put on ourselves.

When I was a young adult I ran across an old book named I Can The Key To Lifes Golden Secrets by Ben Sweetland. That single bit of insight I believe has helped to shape my life and thought patterns for over 30 years. Your post today brought that to mind.
Sadly, knowing and doing can sometimes not go hand in hand for me. To this day I still must remind myself to control the self talk especially during times of high stress.
I love that you are sharing this mindset in your writing. Even those of us who already put these concepts into practice benefit from the affirmation.

Definitely! We all need reminding at times, even about things that we already know!

We Humans have an amazing knack of slipping back into destructive habits after a couple of setbacks...

Awesome success books especially regarding mindset have shaped much of my thinking over the years. being aware of the negativity creeping in is a huge part of the battle I think...This way at least we know what we are fighting against...know your enemy as they say :)

Very good point just having the awareness can change everything. Wonder how much harder life must be for those who don't.

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

Thanks for the heads up @dustsweeper have now topped off

Really, really nice writeup @stevenwood, especially nice to read in my time of lackluster financial standing and self doubt. Self love and care starts and ends with the mental. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Thankyou so much for stopping by.

All true of-course. I sincerely believe if things are not set correctly, mentally everything else is doomed!

I think I can :D That is one of the stories I read to both my daughters when they were young for exactly the reason this post suggests, to open their mind to mental possibility :)

Good write, and it's so true. If you say to yourself that you can't ... You can't. If you change your words and say loud and clear I CAN, your chances of reaching your goal will turn. And the stronger you believe in yourself, the more chance you reach your goals.

Good for me to read it again ... as I definitely 'need to reset my brains'.

Yes I think we all nedd to hit our mental reset switch at times.

I am certain that I wrote the post as an exercise in reminding myself as well as others (subconsciously at the very least.) My great hope is that it genuinely helps at-least some of those who read it (touching others in a positive way that it truly helps them is a superpower I need!)

Community is everything here and having people stop-by to share their thoughts has been like an amazing gift to me, I try to engage a lot and for it to be taking place on my own post...Wow!

My very warmest thanks to you for taking a little time to share your thoughts...We are unlimited in our inner strength, and we can all achieve our dreams and goals together, there is no limit on how many of us are allowed to be awesome!

Take great care my friend, may your journey be stunning and spectacular 😃

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thankyou so very much!

Manual curation is a passion of mine and the very lifeblood of this blockchain. The other half of the equation is the joy of having eyes upon the words we toil over. Thankyou for the confidence boost and the smile, for something that is free, smiles really make us feel good 😃

Congratulations! This excellent post was chosen by the new curation initiative of the @postpromoter content promotion service to receive a free upvote!

This post exemplifies the type of great content that we at @postpromoter enjoy reading and would love to see more of on the Steem platform. Keep up the good work!

Thankyou, thankyou this absolutely made my day!

I wrote and edited this post over 2 days and was terrified (strange choice of words I know) of nobody ever getting to notice it. You certainly were instrumental in making sure that didn't happen!

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