After We Fall: How to Find the Path Back to Success After ChaossteemCreated with Sketch.

in #positivity8 years ago

Sometimes things happen in our lives that cause for a downturn for an individual mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually that can have detrimental effects to life that, if not corrected, can lead to our ultimate destruction. I have traversed such a path recently, and I would like to share some hints, tips and tricks to overcome these obstacles and run toward the path of prior success so that we may break out of bad habits and create new highs from our even previous plateaus as a result.

Step 1- Recognize Rock Bottom!

 Recognize that you have either reached rock bottom or close enough that if your life would end early due to the path you are on, your potential will have peaked and you will not fulfill any of your goals. 

As a child, we are filled with dreams and hopes of prosperity, happiness and companionship that fill our hearts and souls with joy and satisfaction. As an adult, we allow external factors to clutter this beautiful dream that, when we wake up, can become our own reality once we realize where we are and where we need to be. Accept that your life has four seasons, and this winter you are currently in needs to end, and spring is right around the corner.

2. Change yourself physically and other things will follow.

 The Greeks believed development of the body was  equally as important as development of the mind. Physical well-being was  necessary for mental well-being, with the need for a strong, healthy  body to harbor a sound mind. Many founding medical practitioners  facilitated the growth of fitness throughout ancient Greece, including  the likes of Herodicus, Hippocrates, and Galen. From my experience, I don't think they are off. When I am in a rut, frustrated or just exhausted emotionally, a quick serotonin boost will help. Don't wait, go for a brisk walk, jog, or hit the weights for 15 MINUTES! That's all you need to get started. After that....

3. Make a List!

After your workout, you should have the boost in motivation to be excited about your next step. Your list should be based on loose principles at first, such as exercise 3 times a week (minimum). Remember, it was this exercise that gave you the boost to start turning the car around, strengthen that basis. However, don't stop there, exercise only strengthens your ability to do other great things!


I have fallen into this pitfall a few times, where I want to exercise 6 days a week, learn all of these new things, read a thousand books, and I get frustrated because I've written myself a marathon, but haven't even ran a mile yet. Trust me, you will be able to add on to your list later. As a matter of fact, your reward should be the additional thing you will take up. I would recommend adding 3 things to your "Must do" regimen, and once it becomes second nature, you will be ready to add the new hobby that you craved for the days or weeks that it took to earn it. Besides, if you work for something, you tend to value it more than if it was given to you for free.

5. Realize the fact that you have made a change, and speak it into existence!

The term "abracadabra"  in the Hebrew language, translates as "it came to pass as it was spoken." Go to the mirror after you have created your list, look into your eyes and repeat the list with positive affirmations. These positive affirmations will condition you to obey your spoken word and further condition you to stick with it. 

You created it with your words, now it is created and present. Now go out and get it and make your dreams come true!


Hello @tee.em, nice positive post !! We do all need to connect with our dreams for sure. To put them in our heart and make them real !! Steem On brother !! )

Thanks, man. These steps have helped me, I figure if they help one other person, I did my job.

yeah totally hear you man ! ) you are one of the good guys )

Thanks, boss, you too

Let me know how your week goes, cuz

Currently my top 3 are spending a half hour a day cleaning as a goal, spending a half hour on to improve my chess playing, and going to the gym 3 to 4 days a week to keep my serotonin up and everything else in order. Feel free to share yours below, and we can meet up next week to discuss pitfalls and work together to correct!

The exercise part - It really is amazing how different my overall mood is when I'm exercising a few days a week compared to when I'm not. Gotta keep the blood flowing!

Agreed. I always have that as number 1 to change up the outlook when approaching a change

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