My 2020: Just a normal day: one day at a time.

in #posh5 years ago (edited)

One day at a time.


One day at a time, it is the life motto of many people, and it is the most accurate. There are moments when we want to cover everything in an instant and life revolves around that, moments, often so simple that they go unnoticed and we are always waiting for something big to happen when what is truly great is, what happens to us every day and we do not give it the importance it has.

Eric @anomadsoul and @blocktrades, invites us once again to value every moment of life, this time through his initiative called Just a Normal Day in 2020, where he invites us to relate a common and normal day in our lives in this wonderful year that is just beginning and that despite the world events, promises to be beautiful and full of good vibes from this wonderful platform called Steemit.

If you want to know how to participate, you must go to the following link : CONTEST! | My 2020: Just a normal day | Tons of Steem waiting for you


One day at a time...

When I read the title of this call I began to think about so many things at once and I said to myself: what will it be like to tell about a normal day in my life? Nobody had ever asked me for it because, going around in my mind I find that perhaps, as Eric says, it is one of the most important things in my life because, one day will never be the same as another, every day has its virtues and vicissitudes and more so in a country like Venezuela, where every day is an extreme adventure in which we must overcome so many obstacles and continue with the spirit intact and the desire to fight and achieve our goals, but that's a different matter, as we say in good Venezuelan language, in colloquial language, maybe it's the subject of another contest.

For now, I'm busy trying to show you how a normal day in the life of @marybellrg is, a steemian who loves what she does every day and who loves being on this platform.

My life can be summed up in a phrase that those who know me closely, especially at Steemit, know what I'm talking about: "winning time from time". There are so many things that I do in a day that, this phrase fits me perfectly because I always run against time, I would like my days to be 48 hours to be able to fulfill my usual duties, with the rhythm of life that Venezuela demands from us today and with my passion that is writing in Steemit.


I hate it when the cell phone alarm rings at five in the morning, I tinker several times to tell myself everyone's classic phrase at that fateful hour: "five more minutes, please. When I wake up and before I get out of bed, I usually look at my cell phone and immediately look for my WhatsApp, specifically in the group of Club12, my community, where a group of beautiful people, cheer up my life with many messages and good vibes since dawn.

Another of Steemit's blessings has been to meet great people who have contributed much growth to my life from many points of view. However, I also love and bless that hour because, it means that, I have a job to go to, from where to sustain my life and that of my son Gabriel, to have a job in my country today, is a reason for gratitude, that's why, in zombie mode, I wake up and resolve to take a cold shower and go to the kitchen to prepare the elixir of life, the one that lifts me and makes me human again (insert here a laugh), I prepare my delicious coffee, brewed Venezuelan style.

While I taste it, I make the arepas for breakfast, some ugly arepas, and imperfect as I call them, hahaha, but delicious, sometimes I mix the PAN flour with grated carrot or another vegetable to make them more delicious. An arepa in a Venezuelan breakfast, is priceless, for me, breakfast without arepa, is not breakfast.

Delicious Venezuelan arepas.


After putting everything in order, I leave for my work, I am a bioanalyst in a laboratory of the public system, for 31 years, I am close to retirement and I plan to dedicate myself to writing, to develop more Steemit, which I see as my best future. You always have to reinvent yourself, see new scenarios and future, mine? is Steemit. In my work I spend my day between the computer and the instruments of my area (microscope, automated equipment, test tubes), as well as relating and sharing the day with my colleagues who form a wonderful team where I am happy doing what I like and for which I studied, serving and contributing to the health of people who need us.

Between those breaks in my work schedule, I always take advantage and connect to Steemit, either by making comments and voting, reviewing the accounts that are of my daily interest, always stealing a little bit of that time to cultivate what I like. And since time passes quickly and I need to gain time from that time, the lunch hour comes, sometimes I make it at home and I drive there or in others, I take lunch to my work and I eat there with my colleagues, everything depends on the dynamics and the pending obligations.

Steemit with me wherever I am.

In the afternoon, I dedicate myself to administrative activities (I am the supervisor of the laboratory) until it is time to leave and start the return trip home during the commotion and traffic, I always try to be as leisurely as possible from within, I like to enjoy and relax on the way back, listening to music while driving and watching the sunsets of my land.

Sometimes I escape to a beach that is in the city, and there I take off my shoes and walk on the sand to feel the water rubbing on my feet, that moment has a wonderful effect on me, the contact with the sea and fresh air makes me become another person, discharged from the stress that the day may have brought. Those minutes are priceless, they are minutes that give life to my day.

Sunset in Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui.

Sometimes I make stops along the way either to buy things or to complete dinner, I arrive home and take a shower to prepare myself to finish the day, always pulling the minutes to reach the double hahaha. I make dinner together with my son and I take the opportunity to share with him those minutes that the workday takes away from me, sharing with the family is one of the most beautiful and nourishing things for the soul, and he, my son is the best thing in my life, those minutes shared at dinner doing everyday things, make me grow and be a better person.

There comes a time when the day is almost over, and that is the time when I would like the day to be longer, the time to write. Sometimes I feel very tired from the daily activity, but I always get over it and the desire to do what I like, which fills my soul and impregnates me with growth, makes it almost always dawn or midnight and me on the computer pouring my soul into the keyboard. Sometimes my son gets me asleep in the chair, and lovingly lifts me and puts me to bed.

Here where everything begins, it also ends.
Steemit is my passion.

My day ends here, in the writing, that part of me that emerged two years ago already when I discovered that through the letters you can grow and you can transmit many beautiful things. what is born of the soul is eternal and the letters always remain despite the passage of time. Steemit is my today and also my tomorrow, I thank life for giving me one day at a time on this beautiful platform.


Thank you for taking the time for this reading.


To be free and to fly is a choice.


Amiga @marybellrg que hermoso post, y me tomo el atrevimiento de llamarte amiga porque eso es lo que me inspiras, leerte fue relajante y me encanta como llevas la historia de tu dia normal.

Una mujer luchadora, trabajadora y sencilla que disfruta de la vida porque eso reflejas en tus publicaciones, has encontrado el secreto para triunfar como escritora y es abrirse a las emociones y compartirlas.

me parece hermosa esta publicación, tanto por la forma como la cuentas, como por su estetica aqui lo llaman maqueteo, yo todavia no he aprendido de eso, me falta mucho camino.

Me gusto, y no hay mas que decir.

Que bella eres, preciosa. Muchisimas gracias por esas palabras tan hermosas que siento tan de cerca y con muchisima sinceridad. Es un honor recibir tu comentario y valoración porque para mi, eres una gran escritora, te sigo y me encantan tus trabajos. Gracias por tu visita y valoración, Steemit saca lo mejor de nosotros, siento que mi vida no es ni será la misma después de Steemit. Eres siempre bienvenida, escribes fabuloso, no te falta nada, lo demás, son simples adornos, lo más importante es la esencia que transmites a través de tus escritos de muchisima calidad. Te abrazo con cariño, bella @soyunasantacruz. Gracias otra vez!. PD: por aqui cuenta con una amiga!...

Tenéis razón al decir que las arepas son imperfectas...Pero arepa es arepa donde lo pongan.
Saludo fraterno y éxitos

racias, cariño, asi es, venezolano que se respeta siempre defiende su arepa jajaja. un abrazote! @oneray

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Muchisimas gracias por su constante y valioso apoyo, querido equipo @dsc-r2cornell, @r2cornell y @blessed-girl. Un abrazo para todos!.

Amiga querida un transitar lleno de muchos alegrías, emociones y satisfacciones. Son muchos lo temas de los que nos puedes seguir contando a través de tu estadía en este ecosistema hermoso, esperamos ver más de ti. Abrazos gigantes amiga.

Gracias, mi bella amiga, tus palabras siempre son estímulo en positivo para seguir creciendo pues tú, eres uno de esos pilares que me dió apoyo para empezar a impulsarme. Te abrazo y siempre me es grata tu visita y tus comentarios. @belkisa758

Realice ese día día contigo, me comí mis arepas y me tome ese café, antes de ir al trabajo. Tienes muchos años trabajando en el área de salud, donde has visto mucho correr por diferentes bacterias, siempre amorosa como nos cuentas tú día a día de trabajo. Siempre espero tus post me encanta compartirlos. Un buen recorrido y esa foto con tu hijo lindísimo. @marybellrg

I made that day with you, I ate my arepas and I had that coffee, before going to work. You have been working in the health area for many years, where you have seen a lot of running through different bacteria, always loving as you tell us about your day to day work. I always wait for your post I love to share them. A good tour and that picture with your beautiful son. @marybellrg

Gracias, mi bella, tú eres ese poyo incondicional y una de mis inspiraciones para seguir creciendo. Nuestra vida cambió con Steemit, ya no nos vemos sin ella. Mucho camino aún por recorrer juntas, gracias por estar siempre, te abrazo con todo el cariño que te tengo, mi @sacra97.


excelente dia, todo muy natural y tranquilo, sigue pasandola bien amiga, saludos


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