#Portraitcontest Entry 01 :: Theme = Motion :: FIRE POI

I took this image in November of 2010 during an electronic music event in St. Louis. This occurred during the 10 year span of time I took on local and regional events like this, and I knew somewhere in all those photos I collected over those years that surely I'd find something that would fit this theme. ;-)

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I like this a lot. Exactly the kind of interesting shot I had hoped to see in this theme :)

You mean like your comment?


Very cool photograph. Well worth saving for today. Love it!

The fire looks unreal, I'm amazed there's no blur!

lol That IS the blur. Or are you talking about blur on the person?

hahah I was talking about blur on the guy and everything except the fire :P
I thought his hand would be blurred slightly.

That's thanks to the flash. That flash's "pop" lasts for a fraction of a fraction of a second, so even though the shutter is still open, that part of the image will be completely frozen. :)

Here's an example (I didn't take this):

There's a thing called "open curtain" and "closed curtain" flash. The "curtain" that it's talking about is the shutter. Let's say you have a shutter speed of 1 second. "Open curtain" flash is a pop of light at the beginning of that 1 second. "Closed curtain" is at the end. I'd bet that the card in the example above was closed curtain because it appears the that the last thing that happened before the shutter closed was that pop of light to freeze the card at the end of its own trail. Had it been open curtain, the card would be at the other end of that streak.

My account was hacked, please unflag

This in no way is relevant to my post. I would appreciate you refraining from bot-commenting stuff like this on my posts. Next time I will be reporting to SteemCleaners.

Please accept my apology, my account was hacked recently and I'm now trying to do damage control. I'm still fairly new, had just gotten my reputation score to 27, and now because of this hacker I'm down to a -1. If you saw my blog posts (which I actually put effort into), you would know I'm not the type of person to do any kind of spamming. I was all about trying to do quality posts and comments that were relevant and added to the conversation. I would appreciate being unflagged if you don't mind :(

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