Ms. Aminah in Steemit Portrait Photography Contest Week 36

in #portraitcontest6 years ago

English Language

Hello #steemit friends, how are you today? good?

I got information about new photo contest in steemit, that's #portraitcontest from @portraitcontest
And the contest is now run every weeks.

I remember I have one of it (portrait photo), this photo from old woman in our village, name is Ms. Aminah,
she worked as a washer in a house in the morning, then afternoon he worked in the garden as a collector of wood firewood which will then be sold in the local traditional market as fuel for cooking.

Her husband has long time was died, and she now lives with her grandchild and her son in a house located in the interior of the village.

I think the age of this grandmother has reached 60 years more, and we can see with the wrinkles carved on the face of this grandmother, describes how hard life this grandmother lived.

I once asked this grandmother, why she is so diligent to work, she just replied with laughter that she wanted to save much money to buy two tickets to go to Hajj.

She and her husband had planned to leave for the hajj, but in fact death said another, her husband has died, and she plans to give the tickets to others so they can represent her grandmother and her husband to go to Hajj.

I am very motivated and excited when I recall this story, I wish I could sit down with her again and ask her about his life experiences.

As the old saying goes, "the harshness of life will make a person stronger to face whatever happens in this world."

And then I would share to you Ms. Aminah photo, and this is my entry for #portraitcontest


F. Stop : f/5.6 - Exposure Time : 1/125 sec - ISO : 250 - Focal Length : 79 mm

Photo Details :

Taken by@mirfaner
Camera ModelCanon EOS 600D
Lens CanonEF-S 18-135 mm

Bahasa Indonesia

Hallo teman-teman steemians, bagaimana kabar anda hari ini? bagus?

Saya mendapatkan informasi baru mengenai sebuah lomba foto di Steemit, lomba tersebut adalah lomba foto dengan tema foto portrait.

Dan kontes ini berlangsung setiap minggu, saya ingat bahwa saya memiliki sebuah foto portrait, foto ini adalah foto dari seorang wanita tua yang berada di desa saya, namanya nenek Aminah.

Dia bekerja sebagai tukang cuci pada sebuah rumah pada pagi hari, lalu siang nya dia bekerja di kebun sebagai pengumpul kayu bakar yang selanjutnya akan di jual di pasar traditional setempat sebagai bahan bakar untuk memasak.

Suami nya telah lama meninggal, dan dia sekarang hidup bersama cucu dan anakya di sebuah rumah yang terletak di pedalaman kampung.

Saya rasa umur nenek ini sudah mencapai 60 tahun lebih, dan dapat kita lihat bersama kerutan yang terukir di wajah nenek ini, menggambarkan bagaiman kerasnya hidup yang nenek ini jalani.

Saya pernah bertanya pada nenek ini, mengapa dia sangat rajin bekerja, dia hanya menjawab sambil tertawa bahwa dia ingin menabung untuk membelikan dua buah tiket untuk berangkat ke haji.

Dulu dia dan suaminya sempat berencana untuk berangkat ke haji, namun maut berkata lain, suami nya telah meninggal, dan dia berencana memberikan tiket tersebut kepada orang lain agar mereka dapat mewakili nenek aminah dan suaminya untuk pergi ke haji.

Sungguh niat yang sangat mulia saya rasa, dan saya sangat termotivasi dan bersemangat ketika saya mengingat cerita ini, saya berharap saya dapat duduk dengan dia lagi dan bertanya tentang pengalaman-pengalaman hidup yang telah beliau jalani.


F. Stop : f/5.6 - Exposure Time : 1/125 sec - ISO : 250 - Focal Length : 79 mm

Photo Details :

Taken by@mirfaner
Camera ModelCanon EOS 600D
Lens CanonEF-S 18-135 mm

Seperti kata pepatah lama, "kerasnya hidup akan menjadikan seseorang kuat untuk menghadapi apapun yang terjadi di dunia ini."

So that's all about my photo entry for #portraitcontest
If you interest about the contest, and would join with it, you could checking up full rules and contest post in here :

Please upvote this post if you like my photo,
resteem it to share with your friends,
and comment below if you have somethings to say or to ask about my photo or my content.

Best Regards, @mirfaner


Awesome Work!

I've verified that your photography is original, and that means it's so good that I had to check.

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So much strength and character in that face! Wonderful portrait!

I think that's because she fight her life alone, and the results of how hard this life.

thanks was stopping by madam :)

I'm happy to know steemit user like you're is nice person, glad to know it madam.

Cheers :))

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