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RE: PortmanTuesdays #8

in #portmantuesdays7 years ago

Ah huh. Sure.

All I do know is that I was thoroughly in a holidaze before Christmas. Christmas itself was awesome and I feel much better now XD

I need to stop reading your posts late at night when I have to be quiet, they make my ribs hurt. That santa gif XD



Well that's great then! Way better to have the holidaze before than after. You'll have more time to recover then. With our friendship heading to the one-year mark in real-world time, I'm so glad that I still have a line to your funny bone haha! Happy to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas (not in Christmas Island)!

Has it been that already? Wow XD [feeling oooooooooooold but happy XD]


Definitely way more in STEEM years! I don't know why it is, but I feel like I've watched your children grow into young adults? That's weird, right? I've only really known them for a while, and I only knew them as ages (i.e. X-year old) from your homeschool posts before haha!

LoL! Well in fairness I've read with some amusement some people dismissing stuff that was literally posted a couple of days ago as "old" but I think that's rather the extreme end of internet time moving faster XD


I think that's more of a byproduct of the shortened attention span we all seem to be developing!

Possibly, but I'm more inclined to think that people who think that don't get out much or at all ;D

~ Judgey McJudgington


Hahahaha ooooooooo saucy!

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