
alright, so you gotta explain this to me, what is PortmanTuesdays? I assume we're talking Natalie wars.....but then a word confused lol

Is this gif showing how you feel about the prequels? lol

I assume we're talking Natalie Portman

AHAHAHA! I wish it were so! Basically, PortmanTuesdays was something that I used to do on Twitter and... you know what, here's a link to my explanation:

It's not that long, and I think it captures the essence of what I'm trying to do haha

Is this gif showing how you feel about the prequels? lol


I think that is how we all feel lol
But, when the first one came out I was 15 which was still at an age where I didn't see all the flaws and just enjoyed it....not to mention starting a life long crush on a certain individual (Portman, it's Natalie Portman)

I was 10 then, so I was way less critical. I just loved how the lightsabers looked and sounded haha! I kept thinking how that would connect with the original trilogy. I didn't have a clue about what a "prequel" was so I assumed it was a sequel. I didn't appreciate Natalie Portman until much later haha!

but, even to this day, Darth Maul and his dual lightsabers is still awesome (as is Portman) lol

Darth Maul... man, now that's a villain that's underrated. How come the Fett father-son duo gets all the love. Darth Maul is a guy that no one wants to mess with. Kenobi got lucky!

Oh, and I watched all of the Red Letter Media videos yesterday, and I have to say... best decision I made yesterday!!! Hahahaha!! I kept doing that drunk voice after haha! Thanks for sharing that! I don't know how I could've missed it!

i know, they are amazing, I even went back and started watching one again! I would love to see Disney do a movie where Darth Maul plays a huge role. I thought they nailed Vader in Rogue 1, only using him just enough; but with Maul, b/c he already had such little screen time, I think you could make him a major character and really show what he can do....

Oh yeah, I totally agree! The way they utilized Vader in Rogue One was just perfect. Equal parts menacing and terrifying.

In the now non-canon extended universe, he came back with a robotic lower half. I haven't been able to watch the new animated series, but I heard he plays a bigger role there too. Maybe if they find success with the Solo one there would be hope for a Maul-centered Star Wars story.

Have you ever watched the Red Letter Media critiques on the Prequels on Youtube, they are excellent. More entertaining than the actual movies in many ways lol I highly recommend them.

I think I haven't, but I'm loading it now as I type haha!

This sounds like coming straight from a commercial for Snickers. Didn't they give you any or weren't you allowed any? Actually we never quite know weather we follow our eyes or our stomach.

Indeed it does! With the strict diet, Snickers is far from anything that's allowed. In fact, that's the opposite of what's allowed.

good day,sir

And, a good day to you too.

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