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RE: PortmanTuesdays #4

in #portmantuesdays6 years ago

Oh yeah, I totally agree! The way they utilized Vader in Rogue One was just perfect. Equal parts menacing and terrifying.

In the now non-canon extended universe, he came back with a robotic lower half. I haven't been able to watch the new animated series, but I heard he plays a bigger role there too. Maybe if they find success with the Solo one there would be hope for a Maul-centered Star Wars story.


I started watching Star Wars Rebels and I really like it a lot, but I have yet to watch the Clone Wars or any other cartoon/animated series. I'm sure I'll get around to it someday!

Ohhh that! Rebels, that's what I was referring to. I haven't gotten around to it, but I hope to catch up on it some time. Didn't Darth Maul appear there?

I believe he does, but I haven't gotten that far yet. But it is worth the watch from the little I have watched of it (about 6 episodes so far)

I like how they connected it with Rogue One though. Gets the viewer more invested in it since some details would make it to the big screen and other adaptations.

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