
Oh that is sooo boring, I don't think we can count that as a snaccident! Broccoli psshhhtttt lol!

@jedau does broccoli count?

Haha! For the purpose of this, I'm counting it by half! Still counted though, so that's something! But, if it's broccoli coated in caramel and dipped in chocolate with sugar sprinkled on the top, then I'll fully allow it.

Oh, maybe that is why @dreemit thought my broccoli was boring. I forgot to mention all of the things I dipped it in and sprinkled it with first.

Oh yes, that is so true, condiments do make all the difference- lots of dips is snacktacular!

Well isn't that something! If we could all be like you, the world would be more balanced, BMI-wise. I guess in your case, you're lucky that you munch on greens. Serendipitous. Snackendipitious? No.. that's not right. Oh boy, I think that tub of popcorn is going to get eaten because of my shame.

Days since last snaccident:


I don't know why this puts a smile to my face.

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