Frameworks Issue #9: Being the Bigger Man

in #popcontest6 years ago (edited)

Continuing from Frameworks Issue #7: How to Handle Offense -


A quiet person suddenly looses it and screams at someone. A polite person acts totally out of character and cusses someone. A caring person suddenly doesn't give a shit anymore and wants to see the world burn!

Well I'm sure that you've either done the above or been on the receiving end of it. No? 😃

Whatever being on the sending or receiving end of a bad situation, rest assured you're not the only one and there is a way out from hurts, pains and anger.

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SCENARIO 1: Have you ever been an A-Hole?

Yah just yesterday! Lol just kidding.....

I'm sure we can all agree that we've acted out of anger or being offended before and probably have regretted later on. I say PROBABLY because I have come across some that have no remorse whatsoever about what they've done whether 10% wrong ot 90% it was their fault, they'll never admit it. They'll never say sorry and never be the first to admit their wrongs. In fact they justify their wrongdoing.

Met someone or been in a situation like that before? Pisses you off just knowing there are people like that doesn't it?

There ARE people who hurt others without knowing it and when confronted that they did hurt someone, like if you would say, "Hey what you said or did hurt me", they'd justify why they hurt you......... and often the reason being coz you deserved it! You deserved to be punished! YOU DON'T DESERVE ME BEING NICE TO YOU!

Well it's a good thing not everyone in the world behaves like that. I can understand if a 5 year old is throwing a hissy fit but adults?

"I'm not gonna say sorry until he says sorry first."

"Well he started it first."

"He offended me first."


Why are there people like this!!!! I'm SO ANGRY JUST READING THIS!

Buzzzzzz Wrong question!

In this post of 'Frameworks' I want to direct you to asking yourself whether YOU have been an a-hole.

Ask yourself - Have I ever chosen to be right more than being kind. Have I chosen being technically correct than practically loving. If you have, well it's time to grow up, man up (or woman up), stop being a snowflake, stop sweeping things under the carpet. Be humble. Be teachable. If you wanna be a real winner in an argument, be the first to say sorry.

Be the first to say, "I'm sorry".

What about me? Someone acted like an a-- to me

"What about me? I really didn't do anything wrong. I was the one that was attacked unjustly. I didn't even mean it that way but the person interpreted what I said wrongly."

Like I suggested, it always pays to say you're sorry. In whatever situation. Even if someone interpreted your actions or words wrongly, for example, you gave someone a 100% upvote coz that person had 0.00 payout and then that person interpreted your upvote as condescending and accuse you, though you did it out of the kindness of your VP, that you were doing it to mock their inability to get organic upvotes.

(Please laugh whenever you're reading my post. Or it'll just sound like I'm mean and sarcastic 😃)

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but sometimes, you might not even get a sorry back or after you've said you're sorry, the person doesn't say the all important, "I forgive you"..... Because you should say sorry. Coz you are the one that offended me (although interpreted or perceived wrongly).

Why you may ask?..... Because they may still be stuck in scenario 1.


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Today I wanna end by encouraging you and challenging you, that you can be the bigger man. You can be the better person. Do it because you believe in love not because they deserve it but because you can have a clear conscience and you know you did not sweep things under the carpet and that you let go of grudges.

Take the challenge. Be courageous and not afraid. Be thick skinned. Take the lead in forgiveness.

Take the lead in forgiveness.

I know it's easier said than done. But I can tell you that if you have forgiveness as one of your core values, you're making the greatest promise and commitment to yourself that in the end the biggest winner is, YOURSELF! You free yourself from being bound by unforgiveness, resentment, anger.

Let me also tell you that forgiveness looks cool. It's wisdom being demonstrated. It's the depiction of what I means to be AWESOME!

You can live your whole life and going to your grave knowing you weren't an a-hole. You can say that, "I didn't always do the right thing but I eventually did it anyway." And that's a BIG FAT win in my books.

You can be sure that your "wins" in this life is gonna be an inheritance for the next generations to enjoy even when your're long gone because your children and your children's children saw a person who practice forgiveness, who practised love. I mean, don't you wanna go down into the history books being that kind of person?

Your ceiling is your next generation's floor. Make sure they have a good one. - paraphrasing from Bill Johnson author of 'When Heaven Invades Earth'.

Frameworks Issue #7: How to Handle Offense

Next issue on "Frameworks" is gonna be titled, "Forgiveness Doesn't Mean Reconciliation". So be sure to tune in for that one if you've been enjoying the past posts on this topic.

Have a good rest of the week and keep on keeping on 💪



Thank you for these encouraging words, @danielwong! Always a good read you have for us. Look forward for the next one on forgiveness. :)

Yeah I always believe in this. To be able to say sorry first doesn't mean we are "weaker" but we are more "powerful" in the sense we value the relationship more than the wrongs. It always requires at least one person to do that so restoration can begin 💕 I look forward to your next post on forgiveness doesn't mean reconciliation.

Forgiveness sets you free from the offender's offense. So you have chosen the correct one! 😊 Although not easy, but you do it anyway.

Great post thanks for sharing it in my #popcontest tag @danielwong ! not sure though if its an entry or not as I didnt get a link to it in my comments , which is fine im happy you use my tag !! Steem on !👍👍👍

You can’t wait for the mirror to change, you need to change first in order to see a change in the mirror. Nice post!

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