Query 18 - Is the United States about to go to war with Russia?

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


Are the United States and Russia going to war with each other soon?

[Boundary conditions: Month of April.]

This question is inspired by @tarotbyfergus' recent post on the same topic.

From bottom to top, left to right: Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, King of Wands, Knight of Cups, Dagaz.

Short answer: political theater. Putin and Trump appear to really be allies behind closed doors, still.

All court cards. Two Queens (one Earth, the other Fire), and one Fiery King. This suggests to be that they have a fiery synergistic dynamic where they both are pro-active with each other; however there is actually a very slight hierarchy between the two where one is taking more of a role of iniator, the other is slightly more receptive. The one who is more receptive would be the Queen of Wands in relation to the King of Wands (in Qabalistic philosophy the female principle is the receptive one; think yin/yang). Behind the Queen of Wands is the Queen of Pentacles, again reaffirming the receptive nature of this Queen/Female energy I am picking up on.

I cast a Rune for an outcome and got Dagaz- in this context I am picking up 'clarity'... 'awakening'.... 'new beginnings'.... that aspect of the Judgement card, actually.

I suspect they are unified with the aim of revealing certain Truths to the world when the timing is right.

The Knight of Cups above is the slick speech of these strategists having to play political theater and trying to effect people on a soul level.

This is a snapshot of what the energies are like now. Things can change. In the meantime I am not going to lose sleep over this. More psychological warfare. (I would like to clarify, however, the reading did not rule out the possibility of military strikes in Syria.)

Over all I got similar energies that @tarotbyfergus got. Not a precise story, but supporting one from a different angle. We both got the King of Wands which describes the presence of a bold, charismatic, and effective leader.

Follow up Question
Did Assad really chemically attack his own people?

FullSizeRender 3.jpg
9 of Wands, Judgement, Knight of Wands


In the Judgement card we see an image of toxic fumes polluting a landscape being released from an industrial location. The way animal life is drawn in this image looks as though it is being negatively effected, and the black bird on the top of the image predominates and in this particular reading, it is appearing to me as an 'environmental contaminant' ... an 'other'... 'invader'.... that needs to be neutralized by the immune system of that environment. The Judgement card is a complex card that means multiple things, but for oracular purposes for this question, that is the message my intuition is picking up.

Assad is like how the Knight of Wands is here (peppered by the 9 of Wands that points to Assad's perseverance in the face of adversity)... like Hypatia, who had to struggle with the forces of obscurantism of her day. Likewise, Assad has had to grapple with a similar archetypal ordeal.

Edited note:
April 12 - @in2itiveart did an intuitive sketch on this topic. She posted it here.





The Judgement card is fascinating.
I also don't believe the story about the chemical attack.
Lets hope we're right and a war with Russia is avoided.

This is another crazy deck!!!

I might do a reading later to see what kind of conflict might happen in Syria... I think that is a possibility.

That is the Science Tarot deck! I am new to it. It is more photogenic than the Deviant Moon deck, at least how they end up on my blog. (You photograph the Deviant Moon deck well though!) The energies of the Science Tarot deck is quite different than what I am used to. (I think I will create an AMAZING and sophisticated Science/Qabalah themed deck at a later time. Keeping my eyes out for the right artist to collaborate with.)

Interesting deck.

The bottom part of the spread looks a great deal like what I've been seeing in my meditations.

It literally looks like a Fibonacci sequence of energies swirling from the sky and spinning over the Earth, collecting up static remnants. (It appears that way to me at least.) I see it all spinning and literally lifting up a bunch of BS (false veil) which almost looks like a tornado.

I hear about the clean sweep. This has all been environmental, IMO...whether we see it that way or not.

I'm rather focused on sending out clean orgone energy over the grid, especially to blast through whatever particle clouds it is that I keep seeing. I hope we can move our attention to the contribution of healing energy over whatever potentialities are looming in the midst of what is obfuscated.

When you say grid do you mean lay line grid?

Where is your nearest lay line? Know of any good lay line maps? I have not found any on the internet. How the heck do 'we'/'they' know where the lay lines are?

Hey @zero-infinity, I'm not speaking specifically to that grid, although there would be some merit to focusing on this area. I'm a fan of energy follows intention. At times I don't have a sight to things til after I've aligned my intent to focus my energy there and then the sight comes subsequently...there could be a clue here about location of key places/elements that you may be attempting to locate or map.

As for what I meant.

I was referring to energy grids you might custom on your own. I have a custom piece I have designed (my spirit board) where I place protective energies over all sentient beings as a part of my life practice.

It is my experience that we may induce a wave of clean energy to benefit all of those who are connected to this space. We can grow this like a halo when many of us are working together. Many already are, with this kind of conscious gridwork I'm speaking of.

Besides, I'm not so sure I'd trust some of the static images that are passed around over the net for something like this...you know? Divine intelligence has it for me.

"I was referring to energy grids you might custom on your own. I have a custom piece I have designed (my spirit board) where I place protective energies over all sentient beings as a part of my life practice."

Interesting, where can I see examples?

(FYI @whiteheart sells all kinds of crystals.)

Yes, it's in all of my videos, actually. The spirit board I work over is a spiritual protection that was invoked over my life with the help of my Guides.

It's what I do the majority of my crystal grid work upon.

I might make a video or do a DLive making a grid for protection and sharing more about that. Thanks for the good idea, I really do these daily, so I could speak to it in more detail.

I will have to check out some of @whiteheart's items for sale. I usually go to some of my local shops, like Desert Gems in Lakewood, CO. We also have the Denver Gem & Mineral show this weekend. It's always an incredible thing to walk around THAT much crystal energy.

" It's always an incredible thing to walk around THAT much crystal energy." Yes!! There is a crystal room at the local natural history museum and just thinking about it my kundalini trickled up a tad.

I am not much of a video watcher. I tried watching some of your videos just so that I can learn more about you... I think I would be inclined to tune in if I was watching 'em live. But now I know what to keep my eye out for the next time I tune in - crystal grids.

Oh yeah, those crystal rooms are something else. We have one up here too. I need to go to the museum again. They have the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit here now, too.

You actually were on live with me the other day when you popped on. I was on a live stream that had just started when you messaged. I tried to tag you back. Mercury has been fun for coordination! lol

Would love to do some live with you if you want. I'm planning to do some shared reading/streams with this community actually. I had been talking to @amrauthor & @violetflame about doing this together for some fun.

Just so you know, I do a DLive on Monday for the Astrological Weekly Ephemeris and Tuesdays I do a Tarot Tuesday.

I sometimes do other stuff live, like my radio show on Fridays, too.

I sent you an email yesterday wanting to set up a Skype or phone session with you so that we can do some readings for each other.

I just got news that Trump ordered strikes in Syria:


"This is a snapshot of what the energies are like now. Things can change. In the meantime I am not going to lose sleep over this. More psychological warfare. (I would like to clarify, however, the reading did not rule out the possibility of military strikes in Syria.)"

The intent behind my query was to gauge direct relations between US and Russia via Trump and Putin.

I would like to clarify:

When I asked "Did Assad really chemically attack his own people?" I meant out of his own free will, and not under pressure.

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