New comic Calexit sees California rebelling against President Trump

in #politics7 years ago

a new comic from Black Mask Studios, portrays a near-future world in which the state of California is in open rebellion against the Trump-led U.S. government. Militants clad in black bloc openly clash with federal troops to defend immigrants, painkiller addiction is widespread, and environmental decay is clear. Writer Matteo Pizzolo and artist Amancay Nahuelpan combine these elements to create a dystopia that feels far closer than many readers will probably be comfortable with.

Calexit follows Zora, a Mexican immigrant who’s become a leader in the resistance army, on the run with Jamil, an apolitical smuggler who salutes no flag. While I think these are universally relatable characters, they’re also uniquely Californian, and the backdrop of the factionalized California they’re journeying through is a perfect microcosm for the country because California is as diverse yet interdependent as America.

This comic book is hilarious, we are suppose to believe a bunch of beta male cucks are going to take over California. I highly doubt that, this is strictly jerk off material for the wanna be men in the democratic party. Need I remind people that 95% of California counties are republican and there's not a chance in hell any of those counties would join a revolt especially if it was coming out of San Fransisco or LA.

Also, funny how they are trying to demonize the sovereign citizen movement and compare it to the Communist and Antifa movements both of which are the complete opposite of sovereign rights.


I haven't read a comic book in, well many more years than I care admit. So, I know nothing more than what you wrote above. But, what has been nice about Trump is that he has forced into the open the massively huge amounts of hypocrisy that has always been present in the left.

The left has always loved to openly scoff Texans whenever they have said they need to secede from the union. They also love to scorn the south for having dared to secede in the past. Of course, NOW suddenly it's all ok and hip to openly want to secede and join Canada or whatever.

So, I guess states rights are ok as long as they are only to further the aims of the left. Pretty much goes for freedom of speech as well. It only applies to the left.

In the long run I think it will just push more people out of the democratic party and into a third party.

one would hope, but I feel like the war is lost. the left fully controls the media and schools K-PhD. The brainwashing is pretty much complete and their majority will keep growing.

I don't know about that, the internet is wake up a lot of people.

California can talk all they want about seceding. They can't unless there is an amendment to the Constitution that is approved by 2/3 of Congress and by 38 states. I would not be surprised if a vast number of Red States would like to say good riddance to California and its 55 Electoral Votes. If California goes, then Democrats in the remaining states will see their power sharply reduced. It will be an uphill climb for a Democrat to win the White House again. Throw in that the Democrats will have two fewer Senate seats and even fewer House seats (39 of the 53 California House members are Democrats). Yeah, the future is looking great for Democrats...not.

Now say that California has successfully separated. Who believes that with their financial situation, they would be able to survive on their own? The total state and local debt for California is over $1 trillion. $1 TRILLION! How exactly are they going to be able to manage that? How will California provide financial assistance the next time a devastating earthquake occurs?

How are they going to be able to pay for the food they will have to import since they will not be able to produce enough food on their own? Since they discourage exploration of oil, they will have to import that as well. With what cash?

Throw in all the regulations and taxes and you will see even more businesses and residents fleeing the state.

Throw in the likelihood that even more illegal immigrants will migrate from Central and South America (not to mention from the remainder of the US) and California will collapse like Venezuela.

I say go ahead California. Just do it. We will be watching to our amusement.

hahaha, I pretty much fully agree. I have been believing we are very close to an actual civil war and coming closer to the idea that maybe a shattering of the union would be a good thing. More tax competition, less or no powerful central gooberment, much more choice of place to live (if staying here), the end of the IRS, CIA, etc - at least much diminished in power. Kalifornia would be doomed without constant subsidy from DC.

Does The Comic Book Show The Magic Money Tree They Use To Fund Their Resistance? Their Federally Funded Welfare Checks. "Beta Male Cucks" what a great line

Good question. Maybe in a future issue they will have George Soros dropping red bandanas and ak-47s from a helicopter

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