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RE: A quick rant.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Very good read! To me, the human body is just like a vessel and our consciousness (soul) is controling it through this life on earth. All the things like government, religion, nationalism, politics are prety much fake, but they managed to shape our society and the sistem we are living in. It si just sad that there is so much hate between people...we can hate our own species...we can hate each other because our differences...we hate what we don't understand. Religion is also one of the illusionary magiclike virtual reality matrix fake thingy. Why? the past...there was polytheism, the belief in or worship of more than one god, like the Greeks and the Egyptians (and it is not legit because people created gods out of their environment, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices). Later, people started believing in just one god because someone said it and made a story out of it. A story in which masses of people started to believe in. Christianity - Holy Bible, Islam - Quran, Hinduism - Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism - Tipitaka and so on. I am not saying that people in this books weren't real at the time (Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses and etc.) but they were no gods, or anything like that. People started to believe in it because they needed it, the more people were in one religion...others started to follow because eiter they actually started to believe in it or didn't have a choice. To many wars happend in the past just in the name o god. And now we have this:

The same species believing in different shit, hating each other because of it and making diferent preconceptions just because of the past. Things need to change, and they probably will, but it will take a lot fo time to open the eyes of all of us.

And you wonder "what would happen if more people started questioning EVERYTHING". They will start, hoppeully. It is just that we are too blinded by our enviroment, technology, tv, media, internet and other stuff that occupies our brain.

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