A quick rant.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago

My thoughts today were something along the lines of.. How frustrating it is to me, to feel like such a loner in my thoughts about the world, to the point where I feel like.. I've pretty much turned into a hermit as a result.

Part of me just likes being alone a good amount of the time, but.. Another part of me wants to be more social and have more friends, yet.. The inability to meet likeminds, and my location/financial situation makes that extra difficult.

I am inspired to change my financial situation and working on that a lot, but.. Can't really see changing my location for a long time and when I feel like most people are like zombies who believe in all kinds of horrible shit I can't get on board with, or even slightly respect.. It makes me want to withdraw more.

I'm not Jesus, I'm not here to save anyone, I do want to help in the ways I can. I want to be a teacher of sorts and share things I have learned with others, though.. I also have a very umm.. Individual nature to myself, and I can be cold at times towards certain people. For example.. If you wanna be a braindead zombie and contribute to all the fucked up things in the world, then.. Enjoy. Go have a blasty blast.

I do believe in something greater, the human spirit, and all the truly innocent victims out there, I'm never giving up on that.. But if you want to be a willful idiot, there's not much I can do. One of the most important lessons to learn is that some people will just never agree with you no matter what, and better not to waste your energy on them when you could put it elsewhere.

Some people just wanna be fucking plugged into their illusionary magiclike virtual reality matrix, they wanna be hypnotized under the spells of the world. "Mundus Vult Decipi".

So, while I simultaneously feel like I am permanently bound to helping in the ways I can, I also realize there are ways I can't help.

I can explain with words very accurately why I believe what I believe, and this just doesn't matter to some. To somehow think I could reach everyone would be a kind of.. Insane thing anyways. Those are the super crazy spiritual type gurus or just people in general in my opinion.. The ones who think they can impose their knowledge on others, and those who NEVER admit to being wrong like they have some kind of clairvoyant knowledge the rest of us lack.

See.. I think one of the MOST important things in the world.. Is language, communication and being able to put into words what you believe.. Cause.. IF you can't even put into words what you believe, how should you expect to convey that to anyone else? YOU have to understand it first.

Or at least admit you don't totally understand it as part of the dilogue and be honest about it.. No need to pretend to know things you don't know.. Just be honest with what you know. I think that's important.

If people JUST did that more often, the world would be such a better place. But almost everyone wants to act like they know everything, when they don't.. They act as repeaters, they don't come up with the information, someone else tells it to them, and they just repeat it. THIS APPLIES TO ALMOST EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE.

Even me I'm not claiming to be innocent, though sometimes me and others appear to come up with original thoughts and artwork and things of such nature, however.. Just think about that for a second.. Almost nothing anyone says is a real genuine thought of their own. Almost EVERYTHING whether it's science, religion, politics, history, ETC ETC ETC...... Almost all of it is just repeated by the majority of the population without deeper observation and questioning or critical examination.

If you were to be reading this right now, and not be aware of that fact or have never thought about that before.. I think it would be a great time of introspection to re examine everything you think you know. All the way down to the words you use to describe and label things.

Let's start with language.. Where's it come from? Where'd our language start really? And.. Not just connections to the past languages like Egyptian, Greek, etc etc, but what about actual names of some of the first people using the language? I've looked a bit, and found nothing. There's no real names in the public realm attributed to the creation of English I'm aware of, (If you have found names, please let me know.) in the occult and secret world I've seen one name. Francis Bacon.

However.. Really.. It seems we are unable to find the roots of our language, if you really try, not just English, but.. All language. We keep finding civilizations going back further and further, where did it start? Where did it fork to reach where it's at now? These are largely mysteries. For all we know we could be using an incredibly limited slave language.

NEXT.. And I'll try to make this quick but.. Similarly to the origin of language I mentioned above, our origins themselves are unknown. No matter what any religious or scientific person wants to say, whether they are right or wrong.. It can not be proven at this point and maybe never will be able to be proven.

We have some groups like Christians and Jews and Muslims and others, who claim to be like the oldest and chosen by God and these sorts of things, but.. As I mentioned.. We keep finding civilizations going back further and further and further. If you talk to me about Jesus.. I'm going to ask.. What happened before Jesus? Isn't all that important? Why do you stop and focus on that point?

WHY? Is it cause you're repeating information?

Maybe there was another Jesus before Jesus or something even more important, why do you think that's where everything starts and like the end all be all of your belief system? We have advanced civilizations going back thousands and thousands of years, 10's of thousands of years before Jesus was suppose to have lived.. (Assuming he was a real person, this is another thing repeated as fact that cannot be proven)

Moving on quickly here cause I realize this is a lot of text and a lot of people don't like reading a lot.

Okay.. Next.. Darwinian Evolution! Let's put this on the science pedestal, many think this is fact.. Yet.. And.. I'll prolly get shit from people for this or one of my other claims, but.. It's just not provable. It's a process that supposedly takes millions of years for one creature to evolve into another species of creature and it suggests we used to be single cell bacteria and evolved due to environmental conditions to eventually get to this more advanced species all these years later.

Yet.. We just can't observe, test or repeat the process and as much as advocates claim the fossils prove it, they just don't.. There's a library of information out there if you're open minded to learn why bones in various places doesn't necessarily mean creatures evolved into different species.. The faith here honestly, is similar to the religious faith of people who believe in a sort of God or whatever.. It's just not fact, it is faith.

And next, politics.. This shit as well has been being fed into peoples minds for thousands of years, and it takes on a life of it's own very akin to those who blindly follow any particular dogma of science of god worship or what have you. Political parties are kind of like religions themselves... And you are given different ideas to repeat, very few of you make it to the highest level of freedom which some refer to as Anarchism.

And I mean very few of you. I see a lot of you claiming the label, but you still tend to pick your political rulers and also rule over the lower animal kingdoms in a way you would never want done to you and your loved ones.

Anarchy could very well be one of these false things as well that is "repeated", however.. I think it's the furthest I've got away from all the other dogma, and likewise.. Every field that I mentioned above.. It has it's thresholds of freedom and enlightenment so to speak.. And I could keep going with the examples, they extend almost to every field, maybe every field.

The things I mentioned above and other important aspects of peoples lives like money and relationships and on and on, these are all things we repeat because someone before us started the tradition. Some of these things are natural and normal, but they have probably all been infiltrated and used as a tool to control the minds of people more.

As a result, you are born into a world much like the Matrix, where you have all of these massive controlled institutions of government, religion, nationalism, racism, sexism, classism, war, education and more, all just ready to train you as a resource before you're even born.

There's all these scripts set up for you to follow. Kinda like a programmer wrote scripts for programming code to program characters to do things, it's very similar.. And it's one reason I refer to many as these sort of zombies, or golem like creatures.. They are like often dead behind the eyes and following a script someone else set up for them.

Before you take offense to that, I'm talking about like the super far gone people.. Like that walk around Wal Mart half naked or with way wrong sized clothes.. And people who have that similar mentality in regards to respecting and learning about the world in general.

Many of these people are literally like machines, automatons.. Being propelled by invisible strings, almost as if magic.. Psychologically since before they were even born these foundations of belief were formed strong in them, and continue to this day.

It really is kind of sad and tragic to the extent that.. And I'm going to wrap this up now.. But.. It seems like some people, and maybe not even just some people.. But many people.. Never have an original thought in their lives, and they end up going through their entire lives literally being an unkowning slave and puppet to some incredibly genius, yet dark genius entity, who programmed them like a computer since before they were even born.

I wonder what would happen if more people started questioning EVERYTHING. And stopped just going with the flow of the rat race. I wonder what life could be like, if somehow we were able to throw off some of these massive illusions and confront the group of people who profit from us being so "consumed" and fragmented.


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Very good read! To me, the human body is just like a vessel and our consciousness (soul) is controling it through this life on earth. All the things like government, religion, nationalism, politics are prety much fake, but they managed to shape our society and the sistem we are living in. It si just sad that there is so much hate between people...we can hate our own species...we can hate each other because our differences...we hate what we don't understand. Religion is also one of the illusionary magiclike virtual reality matrix fake thingy. Why? Because...in the past...there was polytheism, the belief in or worship of more than one god, like the Greeks and the Egyptians (and it is not legit because people created gods out of their environment, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices). Later, people started believing in just one god because someone said it and made a story out of it. A story in which masses of people started to believe in. Christianity - Holy Bible, Islam - Quran, Hinduism - Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism - Tipitaka and so on. I am not saying that people in this books weren't real at the time (Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses and etc.) but they were no gods, or anything like that. People started to believe in it because they needed it, the more people were in one religion...others started to follow because eiter they actually started to believe in it or didn't have a choice. To many wars happend in the past just in the name o god. And now we have this:

The same species believing in different shit, hating each other because of it and making diferent preconceptions just because of the past. Things need to change, and they probably will, but it will take a lot fo time to open the eyes of all of us.

And you wonder "what would happen if more people started questioning EVERYTHING". They will start, hoppeully. It is just that we are too blinded by our enviroment, technology, tv, media, internet and other stuff that occupies our brain.

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