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RE: The Forced Degeneracy of Today's Society

in #politics7 years ago

What is happening is that the term "liberalism" has been confused. Liberalism means that you have the right to fully express what you think, with the responsibility it entails, that is, you must let someone else express yourself freely, be it a Nazi or a Communist. Liberalism, does not care about the morals of people, is only a system of limitation of the State as coercive means: What does this mean? for example: In the purest liberalism, if I have a company: and I only want to hire white people, 20 to 30 years old, and male, I can do it without state coercion, even if that is discriminated by race, age and gender , that is not the case at present, people are only free to do what the State considers correct, and the State is currently dominated by progressives who persecute the dissidents. Ultimately, "real" liberalism is one that tolerates the behavior of all, provided that they do not interfere with the freedom of another, and this is not the case when the State tries to force us to accept behaviors that we simply do not want to accept, they can do whatever they want, but they can not force us to applaud their behavior and accept it. Personally, I consider myself liberal "in its original sense", but nonetheless I have conservative values, I defend the traditional family, among other things, but not because I defend this values, it means that I have to impose them on other people.

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