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RE: The "Green New Deal" is INSANE! Also very communist. McCarthy where are you!?

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Its calling for unionization of all new jobs, wealth redistribution for those UNWILLING to work, calls for the destruction of the fossil fuel industry by the governments hand. Sounds like its a chapter in the communist manifesto lol.

None of that is communism. And, the "unwilling to work" has been explained as referring to retirees and the like.

Basically everything in the bill requires coercion and the force of government to accomplish it. Browse through it, i have a link to it in the original post, and see how much of it involves government force and government distribution of wealth.

It requires no more coercion than we have today by the combination of government (taxes) and capital.

And when asked how she'd pay for this (cost $50 trillion conservative estimate) she said we can just print the money.

That's basically true. In fact, nowadays you don't even need to print the money, you just create a bank account and fill it with ones and zeros. How do you think they do it when expanding the military budget or bailing out financial institutions?

As I said, you should inform yourself better. I recommend you start by reading on Modern Monetary Theory.


Forcing unionization isnt communism? Have you ever studied the bolshevik revolution? Unionization is a core tenant of communism. Im cool with voluntary unionization. But forcing it on people is 100% wrong. Lol your first sentence shows you have no idea what youre talking about.

It absolutely required more coercion than just taxes. The plan is calling for every home and businesses to be gutted and refitted to meet "green" standards. The whole proposal is a government power grab and redistribution of wealth. Its also calling for the elimination of the fossil fuel industry, destruction of the air travel industry, and auto industry by government force. What is it called when government controls markets? Communism. Btw, how are batteries, solar panels, and thousands of products made? From petroleum based products. The best part is they want to eliminate nuclear energy too, which is the most efficient and cleanest form of energy we have at this point and it is pretty safe.

And just because they print money now doesnt make it right. Nor does it mean we should keep doing it. I never said i agree with the banking system and your reply insinuates that i do. This is why im in crypto. But just suggesting we can print 50 trillion with no consequences is asinine. It brings down the value of all of our money. And $50 trillion is over twice our national debt which has taken decades to build up.

All of this is a centralization of power in the government.

Sounds like you need to give that book another read. 😂😂😂

Communism is the ultimate state of affairs theorized to be reached after the revolution, it's by definition a stateless and classless situation. If you want to say that communism means USSR-style state capitalism, I'm OK with that, that has become a widely accepted definition too, just be mindful that "communism" still means both things.

Now, is it fair to characterize the GND as a Soviet-style state capitalist plan (in hidden form or not)? Absolutely not. The GND falls close to FDR-style social democracy more than anything else. The unionization you bring up is a perfect example: in the USSR unions were under direct control of the state, under the GND we are talking something working within the Wagner Act of 1935.

I never said i agree with the banking system and your reply insinuates that i do.

Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean to imply that. What I meant was that all these things you complain about already happen, with the GND at least they will happen for something of utmost economic and ecological necessity.

I do recommend again that you read on the subjects of Modern Monetary Theory, socialism and communism. Much of what you say reeks of state propaganda to me. But anyway, good luck with it. Cheerios!