Sibel Edmonds: Freemason,Mafia Member,MOSSAD & Secret Society "Order Of The Hippo"

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


"I was hoping that the previous 2 articles I wrote about Sibel Edmonds(who was someone I once deeply respected) were the last things I have ever have to write about her but since most people are still unaware of her real intentions and her suspicious connection, this article could hopefully help others who seek the truth by helping them see what Sibel's real agenda is."~TSR Editor

What would be discussed in this Article:

-Her Connections to the Jabhutt Al Daoud Mafia and the Susan Safi Mafia

At this point, you would have be living under a rock to be unable to see the connection between Sibel Edmonds and Vanessa Kachadurian( @StopISISscum) with both of them retweeting each other's tweets (which if they were not from a muslim background most would consider the 2 of them as lesbians who really need to get a room with both of them praising each other to the point it's sickening).

For those who are unaware of who Vanessa Kachadurian is, she is a member of the
Jabhutt Al Daoud Mafia and the Susan Safi Mafia and they tend to attack Syrian journalists while having an obsession with Gulen.



Sibel is being supported by those 2 Mafia groups (some say have alleged ties to the Turkish government whose terrorists are currently occupying the Afrin region of Syria) in her quest to completely "destroy" Eva Bartlett and Beeley as both of them are the most destructive to the agenda of the agents of Mafia to be gatekeepers of what is is really happening in Syria.

These 2 groups seem to want only Newsbud, Al Jazeera(owned by Qatar who is arming terrorists in Syria),Victoria Baker, McKenzie and other gatekeepers in their limited hangout to tell the masses what is supposedly going on in Syria by giving the public only parts of the real which even if known by the public would cause no harm to the Zionist/Wahabi agenda to destroy Syria.

-Her possible connection to the Secret Society known as "The Order Of The Hippo"

Sibel Edmonds,according to her Wikipedia page,had a degree in criminal justice from George Washington University.In that University and especially in that university's law school there exists a powerful secret society known as the "Order of the Hippo"

The fact that she never disclosed that there was a powerful secret society where most members are from the law school in the University which she graduated despite being in the "conspiracy" community online should be shocking.

Imagine for a second if you found out that your favorite Alternative Media personality who exposes the NWO actually graduated from a university with a powerful secret society which most people in the University has heard of but he/she never once talked about it, what does it all it mean?

Her law school is not some random law school which anyone with good grades could get into,it is a place known for raising the so-called "Elites" of American Society.

The Founder of the Order Of The Hippo,
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg(who is an Ultra Zionist) has intimate ties to those in the world of journalism especially to a lot of journalists in the Zionist New York Times and he has ties to both former U.S President George W Bush and former Secretary of State,Colin Powell( who also graduated from George Washington University).

Though it is said online that the Secret Society was established in 1997, there is almost no way to verify when it was really established or whether this secret society was an older secret society which was merely renamed for secrecy.

Try to remember under whose administration did Sibel become famous as a "whistleblower"?

That's right.

The Bush Administration.

All of this could be a mere coincidence and Sibel despite graduating from the law school from that University might not be a member of that secret society(despite the fact that most people in that University are aware of the existence of that Secret Society)

-Her links to MOSSAD Operatives

A few months ago, when she went on the Alex Jones Show which is a news channel infested with MOSSAD agents with ties to the CIA front company, Stratfor and is run by an Ultra Zionist media pundit called Alex Jones.On the show, she went beyond praising the news outlet and even said "I love you guys" to the group of disgusting MOSSAD propagandists:

At 13:27 She Starts Praising the MOSSAD Propaganda Channel and at 18:21 She Says "I love you" To A MOSSAD Propaganda Channel:

She follows the modus operandi of most MOSSAD operatives who seek to control the Alternative Media.

On her channel, Newsbud which deletes Anti-Zionist comments or comments that exposes Sibel's real agenda yet allows comments from a supporter of the terrorist group known as the Free Syrian Army:

This person's channel spreads Pro NATO propaganda for regime change in Syria


-Sibel Edmond's real agenda

As a gatekeeper, her role is simple:
Give a portion of the truth but not the whole truth.Those who speak the whole truth shall be smeared and slandered or be early targets to be befriended so that her influence on them might make them self-censor or refrain from talking about certain things(such as Freemasonry or Zionism) as she is a "former FBI whistleblower" and her words carry weight and since she rarely discusses these things or rather since she believes it's only the "multinational corporations" that runs the world , it gives the impression to the person that talking about Freemasonry or Secret Societies may not fit Sibel's worldview and might be accused of making the whole community of journalists seem like a group of "conspiracy theorists".

Establish a limited hangout where usually only Soros and other low-tier Billionaires are ever discussed.

To divide the community of investigative journalists

-The Real Agenda Behind "Newsbud"

To pin the blame of an incoming false flag attack (in the coming few years or even sooner) on Gulen and use the excuse of capturing Gulen to invade Iran or Pakistan or whichever muslim majority nation poses a threat to the Rothschild Banking Dynasty and Goldmans Sachs.The same tactics have been used years prior to 9/11 with controlled "Alternative" media calling Bin Laden an "influential Islamic terrorist" while occasionally mentioning his ties to the CIA but almost never mentioning his connections to the Israeli MOSSAD.

And the muslim boogeyman in this decade if perpetuated by the Alternative Media will be a lot more effective and more toxic than the muslim boogeyman being spread by the mainstream media and with the refugee crisis in Europe increasing tensions between muslims and Europeans, the ones who would do this will have an incredibly easier time than their predecessors (namely Glenn Beck and the Bill O'Reilly)

All in all, please be wary of those who refuse to fully examine the Zionist role in the wars in the Middle East. Most Zionists Central Bankers view most of us as nothing more than cattle to be controlled or slaughtered.

And in the unlikely event that Eva Bartlett ever reads this, just know that no matter how many people attack you and Beeley, those who are on the side of truth are on your side supporting you and please continue to expose the war crimes committed by the U.S,Israel and the White Helmets.


Secret Society "Order Of The Hippo":

Sibel Edmond's education background:

Check out:

Debunking Sibel Edmonds/ Newsbud Hitpiece On Eva & Beeley:

Former Newsbud Members Call Out Sibel Edmonds:

Katie Aguilera:

Pearse Redmond:


Check this out

What pisses me off the most is that she tried to con James Corbett...


What happened with James Corbett?

It was like she was trying to get him hooked into regular shows with her but she never seemed to contribute anything really new, and it all stopped in 2016 with no further mention

If she is stooging, that would have been a coup for 'them'...

Thanks for that. I watched the whole thing and he broke it down beautifully. As far as I'm concerned there is no way back for Sibel from here. Great work by James Corbett as usual.

I found the vid - FFS! This is an eye opener to Sibel Edmonds.
Disgusting report.

(which is a shame - I wanted to see her naked, but not in this way! )

Interesting. I had the same view on sibel, so a little sad.

Do you have the links of her criticizing Vanessa Beeley? (a woman of massive integrity)


George Wasington University is where John Edgar Hoover wnet to College.

Interesting info

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