
FWIW, I know quite a few filipinos and they all say he's doing great job so far. Easy for us foreigners to criticise when we don't have to live there in the midst of a crystal meth epidemic.

You are completely right, stop voicing opinions without even knowing those of the people who are living there.

I noticed you blocked me from being able to reply to your comments? How brave of you. I love how you spout out numbers about how good your economy was BEFORE all this happened. That's the whole point, it's all going to change now. Who is the fool? Let me go figure out how to block your replies.

I did not block you, what you talking about?

Oh, you know whats funny, I am from the netherlands...

It's so frustrating to see responses like this. Portugal has reduced drug use massively and continues to do so by decriminalizing drugs and providing treatment to addicts. Look it up!

No drug war has ever worked anywhere in the world. Drug wars only increase drug use (and violence) by making it profitable to get people hooked on addictive drugs. How can you not see this? It's not rocket science.

We have a real world working example of how to fix this problem, but all anyone wants to do is to continue doing what doesn't work and murder people for no reason!

A lot of Germans and Russians and Chinese thought very highly of Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Your statement means absolutely NOTHING!

its so frustrating to see someone comparing a european country to an asian country, we are not like you and we will never be, thank god. FFS, stop thinking your portugal can even be compared for 1% with whats going on in Phillipines.

Anyway, have fun killing people over there. This is going to be something your country looks back on with such pride!

Guy 1: Do you remember that time we killed all of those addicts, who were born that way and couldn't help themselves? Remember how we shot them dead in the streets?! snicker

Guy 2: Oh yeah, that was great! We just killed those people who were born that way. We should kill all the alcoholics next!! That will be even more fun!


Fucking westerners always think they need to tell us in the east how to live, what is good and what is right, how we should organise our governments, while your country fails economicaly and has trouble keeping up with another failed experiment, the EU. Go concentrate on your own shitty problems instead of ours.

Not one logical argument in all your posts, just lots of butthurt. You illustrate perfectly why your country has so many problems.

You don't need to kill 2,000 people to fix corruption in your government.
Oh, and btw, your stock market is crashing:
Get ready for tourism to dry up completely.
Lots of good times coming for you guys! You should be proud!

The Philippine index is trading at 18.3 times 12-month estimated earnings. While that’s down from 19.6 in July, it’s still the highest in Asia and at a 32 percent premium to the MSCI Asia Pacific Index. The country’s economy expanded 7 percent last quarter from a year earlier, after 6.8 percent growth in the first three months of 2016.

Stop making a fool out of yourself.

Do you even have any knowledge about the situation in Phillipines?

Do you even have any knowledge about the situation in Portugal?

Yes, burning like hell last few weeks. So, asking you again, do you ahve any knowledge about situation in Phillipines?

Well, no, you don't know what is going on in Portugal. Try searching for Portugal and drug decriminalization, drug war, etc. and then get back to me with what you find.

Also, I want to point out that your conversational style here is one of bullying and manipulation.

I've made my statement, taken my risk and put my thoughts out there. You haven't done any of that. You've only made the insinuation that anyone who makes a statement like mine must not have any idea of what is going on. That's not an argument, it's only posturing, and anyone can do it.

Why don't you actually say what you think and make a point if you really want to discuss the issue?

I am living in Vietnam and I am more close to Phillipines then you probably would be. If you have no clue about the high amount of corruption that has been going on in the past, the drug wars etc and can not understand why a president is now taking such a high amount of action to stop it once and for all, then you should not voice your opinion about the subject.

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