Better Than Democracy!!!! 比民主更好!!!!

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others." - Churchill

This is probably one of the most supposed quote of Winston Churchill. It would be nice to think that in the space age, high tech society, human beings could be a better form of government than a 2500 year old system.

Enter Game Theory. Defined by Wikipedia as:
Game theory is "the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers".
... applies to a wide range of behavioral relations, and is now an umbrella term for the science of logical decision making in humans, animals, and computers.

Most current political systems in practice today are based on democracy, communism, socialism or a hybrid mix of them. While functioning on various principles they are all essentially all based on some or all of the following attributes in both rules and citizens:

  1. Personal political ideology.
  2. Religious stance.
  3. Family culture and value.
  4. Morals.
  5. Personal principles and philosophies.
  6. Prior agreements between individuals and other organization and individuals.
  7. Societal practices.


  1. 个人政治意识形态。
  2. 宗教立场。
  3. 家庭文化和价值。
  4. 道德。
  5. 个人原则和哲学。
  6. 个人与其他组织和个人之间的事先协议。
  7. 社会习俗。

While these attributes are admirable they are highly idealistic and wholly unrealistic and impractical if taken in isolation. While most people can be expected to demonstrate the above 7 attributes some of the time, you can always count on people to be "selfish". The one attribute that heavily swings individuals decision away is always personal self-interest.


It is often argued that we have a humans beings are wired for survival and procreation (another form of survival), a "selfish gene" if you like.


So let us free our mind and play here with a thought experiment. Let us create an imaginary government where we have all the actors (civil servants and citizens) acting in self interest.

  1. Neither the civil servant nor the citizens are forced to join the system.
    There is no penalization of not joining the system.
  2. All civil servants in the system provide services for which they are "graded" each and every time a service is complete.
  3. Civil servants are rewarded ("commission") immediately upon completion of each service.
  4. Rewards can be dispersed in the form a "commission" and/or bonus monthly/annually. Immediacy of reward receipt is the key though.
  5. Rewards are recorded electronically on a smartphone app by the recipient of the service. Options are 1 to 5 stars with a text entry field of 160 characters.
  6. Citizens that participate gain points every time they participate
  7. Rewards must be very tangible.
  8. Civil servants receive monetary to be received directly in their electronic wallet or can be channeled to preferred charity.
  9. Citizens points can be used to obtain discounts towards anything they pay the government e.g. taxes, parking fines, any registration / licensing fees.
  10. Simplicity of use and frequent feedback are the keys to success.
  11. Keeping things positive (carrot rather than stick) will certainly help with adoption too.


  1. 公务员和公民都不会被迫加入这一制度。不加入这一制度是不受惩罚的。
  2. 系统中的所有公务员在每次服务完成时都提供“分级”服务。
  3. 公务员在每届任期结束后立即获得奖励(“佣金”)。
  4. 奖励可以以“佣金”的形式/或每月/每年进行发放。然而,立即收到报酬是关键。
  5. 该服务的接收方在智能手机应用程序上以电子方式记录奖励。选项为1到5星,文本输入字段为160个字符。
  6. 参与的公民每次参与都会获得积分。
  7. 奖励必须是真实的。
  8. 公务员可以直接从电子钱包中得到货币,也可以被引导到选择慈善。
  9. 公民积分可以用来获得他们向政府支付的任何东西的折扣,例如税收、停车罚款、任何登记费/许可费。
  10. 简单的使用和频繁的反馈是成功的关键。
  11. 保持积极的态度(胡萝卜而不是棍子)将会有助于采用。

If this seems surprisingly familiar, it is probably because many people in the developed world are already using similar systems today in the form of Uber, Airbnb, Youtube, bitcoin. We do not need multi-billion dollar mega projects to change our world, small experimental steps will do just fine. These systems don't depend on idealistic-altruism. They are designed on the actual human behaviour with game theory and gamificationas the tools.


Depending on a once in 5 years elections just does not "cut it". We need to start changing our governments from the ground up for the 21st century.



No, who's that?

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