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RE: What the protests in France are really about: The media tell us nothing of the truth!

in #politics6 years ago

Unfortunately, we are not going to change human behavior unless the cost of goods reflect the cost of the environmental damage that they cause through their construction and use. At this point, many products (such as oil) do not reflect this. As a result, those who produce oil and oil-based products are not paying the true cost, nor are consumers paying the true cost. Something like a carbon tax, if done right (which I know is hard given our politicians), can address this issue. Such a tax could then be used to further counteract climate change, such as by incentivizing cleaner choices, or by supporting related research.

Most of the experts agree that such a tax will have to be part of any solution to climate change. To deny their expertise is equivalent to denying the expertise of the scientists who study climate change.

I agree that our politicians are unlikely to do the right thing and that businesses will do everything possible to game the regulations. As consumers and citizens we need to hold those businesses and our politicians accountable. Unfortunately, at least in the U.S. the Republican party and Fox News has succeeded in convincing a large number of citizens that climate change is fake by mounting a continuous disinformation campaign. Individuals in both organizations should be shut down and jailed for what they are doing. Alas, this is the U.S., where those with lots of money rule--unless they happen to piss off others with more money.

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