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RE: Candy coating for something that tastes bad...

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

You have described what I have always referred to as selling the candy-coated turd (cct). The Paris Agreement was a cct and Trump was right to reject it. Environmentalism is currently the cct of choice for politicians. I'm all for saving the environment, but don't tax me for carbon credits, or whatever BS scheme they can come up with to put our money in their pockets and then hide behind environmentalism to convince everyone that it's a good idea that no conscientious and decent citizen could refuse. The science is settled my ass, save that BS for the next dumbass because I'm not buying it. Unfortunately for them, I actually know how to read with some comprehension.


I completely agree with everything you wrote. Especially this line...

I'm all for saving the environment, but don't tax me for carbon credits, or whatever BS scheme they can come up with to put our money in their pockets

I have said the same thing for a long time. Carbon Tax is total bullshit power grab that does nothing to correct the problem. It does grant power and put people more under the thumb. It allows the worst offenders to continue offending.

I said I was anti-pollution growing up and before Global Warming became a thing. I was always for us finding ways to reduce pollution, slow deforestation, replace forests, etc.

Then they came up with a brilliant idea. Let's make the bad guy everyone should focus all their attention on be that which ALL of us exhale, and plants actually inhale and need to survive.

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